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Is it okay for an admin, to slay an admin for breaking the rules?


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There making is a HUGE debacle on jailbreak, where a CT broke a rule on LR and was slay, come to find out he was an admin. NOT KNOWING who is admin seeing how jailbreak has 42 trillions admins, and I get kicked for slaying him, is it not okay to slay an admin even tho he broke the rule? just want clarification on this thanks.

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Before I start actively admining on JB, I make sure to type sm_who in console or !who in chat. It helps you avoid slaying/kicking/banning admins.


You should try doing that every few rounds or so.


So true. Can't tell you how many times that's saved me.

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  • Executive Council


You shouldn't have slayed him and he shouldn't have kicked you. You were both in the wrong.


If you see an admin behaving incorrectly you demo it and post it on forums for Staff/+ to deliberate over.




Before I start actively admining on JB, I make sure to type sm_who in console or !who in chat. It helps you avoid slaying/kicking/banning admins.


You should try doing that every few rounds or so.


And that.



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DevilDancer, even easier...


Type !who in normal chat. Then look into console to see who are admins.


sm_who just saves you the time as you already have console open. !who is more for aiming it at a specific person, such as !who Bearthug , and it should give you the information directly in chat.

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