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what is opportunity ? What opportunity is there for you could say nor predict in HG?


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I have been in HG for 2 years I would say some might say... I look and see every has a rank or higher . I am still member. I applied for event manager few months ago still pending probably rejected because of something I did or said. I applied to app mod nothing.

I don;t see that munch opportunity which is sad. I know what my actions and words have caused this. Like the saying goes "Sticks and bones don;t hurt my bones but, words do".


I think people have one idea of me he is mean I will admit I can be mean,hard, and harsh at times. but, you get to know me I am very nice. I am willing work with anyone who is willing to work with me. It sucks to think that highest I will ever be is member nothing else. This could change but, very little light is showing. I am not begging nor having a sorry party. I am just stating my thoughts on what I think is opportunity for me in HG. I am not leaving! I love hg and the people.

Edited by italk
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of corse you arent leaving.


weve banned you before and yet here you are


good commitment - been around a while


although just as annoying as kids ur age, ur intellegent..sometimes XD


dunno what to tell ya, just hang in there

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*protip* you shouldn't care what people think of you; fuck 'em. Plus you don't always have to respond to someone if they ask you something, that will lead to less trolling and getting mad on your part. "Never show emotions" stay gold..

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I have no intentions


Really? You constantly whine about not being vet, you have a vet tag in your signature (no idea why), and you make threads like this.


Let me summarize this thread: "Everyone else is getting promoted why not me?!"


And you still wonder why you aren't vet.....

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italk, you have made several threads like this.


No offense, but you randomly come and go. The only activity I see from you (on the forums) is making threads like these, complaining about how you are not a veteran yet ..you have "left HG" and came back the next day. You get banned from TeamSpeak for talking down to others, you have been banned from 10 manning.


I know you can be a nice person ..just work on being a nice person to everyone. Think before you speak and thank HG for what we have allowed you to do. :)


Veteran status isn't automatic ..it is awarded.

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Really? You constantly whine about not being vet, you have a vet tag in your signature (no idea why), and you make threads like this.


Let me summarize this thread: "Everyone else is getting promoted why not me?!"


And you still wonder why you aren't vet.....


the reason my sig does have proper tag is because it was made way before the system was in place. and I have no buddy that I know that could make a sig

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why people love the ranks?


H0nestly, u jo1n a community to h4ve fun, n0t t0 g0 up in r4nk5 and act all b4d 4ss.

the C0uncil will 4sk YOU if they need ya help, there's n0 need for a thre4d l1ke this.


U r a member of HG and u should b satisfied just to wear HG tags.

If r4nks mean allot to you then J0in the N4vy, M4rines etc....

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