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Admin with Vendetta


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1. Abuser name: HG | Hippie

2. Their Steam Id: Unable to get this information at this time.

3. What server: 24/7 DM Crackhouse

4. About what time: About 3am EST, 8/19/11.

5. PROOF: http://imgur.com/a/gjzMF

6. Please tell us about the incident: Was playing in the server, having some light back-and-forth with atomic. Hippie entered and told me to get a life, which was odd since we were both doing the same thing (playing CS). After a few minutes, he spammed "sh" into regular chat, was told to stop and leave me alone by another admin on the server, kicked me, and then banned me for 100,000 hours (originally hippie posted that it was for 1 month, then later changed his post to say 2 months) after I rejoined the server and typed in one line. Admin chat (the white text) was never used, and hippie made conflicting statements during the encounter. I was not muted nor told why I was kicked, and the ban followed almost immediately without a fair warning, which is against procedure. In my unban thread https://hellsgamers.com/threads/51718-Unban-Request, Hippie locked it stating he had had previous experience with me, reinforcing the notion of him having a vendetta against me. I was then told by john to post in the abuse forum, and here we all are.

Edited by Papa John
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you were told to post an abuse report if you felt that I didn't follow procedure.

the SS's from my ban report show the series in which warnings were given, a kick was issued and when he rejoined he was told to stop typing, he did not stop.

Me telling you to shh every time you said something to me was my verbal warning, there were many warnings, he has said that I didn't tell him in ALL ADMIN chat to stop, if that's all he's got to go on here its garbage. It says [Admin] next to my name every time I type. That is why they added that - so you know who the admins are!

Saying I have a vendetta against you is absurd. Anyone who knows me here knows that I am a nice person that does not in any way hold grudges.

Knowing your history of bans with us does not = vendetta.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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you were told to post an abuse report if you felt that I didn't follow procedure.

the SS's from my ban report show the series in which warnings were given, a kick was issued and when he rejoined he was told to stop typing, he did not stop.

Me telling you to shh everytime you said something to me was my verbal warning, there were many warnings, why didn't you stop when I asked you to?

As you can see in the screenshot, I pointed out that the last two things said in chat were entered at nearly the same second. There was no delay where I read what you said and typed something out in response. Any log with timestamps will confirm this. Also, you did not follow procedure. I was not muted, nor did you warn me that you were going to kick, when I rejoined you did not say that you had kicked me, or why I was kicked, or that you would issue a ban. In addition, in the middle of you spamming "sh" after saying "keep typing", the other admin present told you to stop. Your "warning" was delivered in the exact same method as your trash talking, and you made no effort to distinguish them as "warnings from an admin" and not simply more back-and-forth.

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So you were kicked out for trolling and decided to rejoin and continue to troll instantly and are complaining that I didn't warn you fast enough to stop after I already just kicked you?

There is no muting for typed things smartie. Muting is for voice, and gag does not work. I do not need to give you a warning that I am going to kick you, but I did. I don't need to warn you that I am going to ban you, but again, I did( it was the fucking kick).

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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So you were kicked out for trolling and decided to rejoin and continue to troll instantly and are complaining that I didn't warn you fast enough to stop after I already just kicked you?

I don't know. Was I kicked for trolling? You never stated this one way or the other, and my statement on rejoining was an observation based on an assumption. In fact, when you said "QQ" in chat after telling me to "get a life", you were trolling me (visible in one of my screenshots). Apparently you were able to ban me fast enough, and again you never stated that it was you who kicked me. As you may recall, there were 2 admins (that I was aware of) on the server at the time.

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