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Okay first of all yes I agree and understand Bhop Scripting is not allowed.


My question is how do you actually tell from a scripter and someone who is just good at it? Because I can bhop OKAY in servers now and I do get accused a bit!


I have a few ways (for example) they will have a precise bhop, able to acheive full speed in just a few jumps, they may also just pass enemies and bhop around the map. Also they will use it all of the time, to get to anywhere.


But I was just wondering if anyone had any more tips on catching scripters?

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It is super hard. There are certain things to look for when trying to figure out that someone is scripting.


Some are just SUPER obvious - ie: being able to bhop up mid no issues

ie: no strafing aka, jumping in a straight line and still going faster than normal


Othertimes, it is SUPER hard ..this is when you get a demo ..post a request on the forums ..and us Adviors (that are good at finding scripts) can review the demo for you.


If you need more tips, I always watch youtube BUST videos etc etc. OR you can always contact me on TeamSpeak.


Hope this helps.

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also listen carefully to see if you can hear there footsteps. thats an relativly easy way as long as there isnt too much background sound:P


Most bhop scripts now include foot steps ..so this isn't always true.


Plus, I know people IRL who can bhop better than people who script. And I know they don't script because I was sitting right next to them while they were.



But never the less ..a good tip ..sometimes that works ..but still ..I always recommend (if you are an admin) NO NOT ban for bhop scripting until you know FOR SURE and are good at trying to figure it out. I cannot stress enough HOW HARD it is sometimes to see if it is scripts or not.

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How i go about is this. Check to see how they start off, mostly people start off by going side ways and then strafing. Check and see if the lose speed over time, someone who is doing it likely will lose speed over a period of time. And like everyone else said listen for foot steps and or when they are bhopping going up inclines they dont lose speed.

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Unless you have experience in determining whether or not someone is scripting, don't try. Just record a demo, and post a report on the forums and someone with experience will review the report and come to a conclusion for you. If you want, you can review demos of previous bans for people BHOP scripting to increase your understanding.

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Just watch them until they slip


uphill slopes and crouched spot are easy to spot


smooth uphill speed, or when crouching under somethign and you see them hop 20 times in half a second...its pretty clear dey cheetin


for all else refer to faithless

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Footsteps don't always indicate cheats or not, so don't trust that. Whenever someone has a perfect jump, you will likely not hear the noise of it from spectating. Any bhopper with even decent timing will get about 60-70% perfect jumps, with fps_max I got exactly 92% perfect jumps, including a technique named crouch boosting. I actually did a lot of testing for a friend with scripts and without on a popular bhop server with an extremely efficient anti-cheat. On a perfect jump, the time that the +jump command is entered will match with the exact frame that you hit the ground in. That's one way bhop scripters can be detected.


Also I'd like to point out that there is a thing on some other servers named !pad that me and another guy came up with inspired by a 1.6 version of it. What it does is it will pulse a character on the spectators and/or the players screen for every time the +jump command is used. If that character were to have a constant pulse on the screen, the player would be using something like hyperscroll. If the character only pulsed once per jump, and they weren't using a low fps_max, they would likely be using a cheat. If the character pulsed about 4-12 times per jump, they would likely be legit. however I'd prefer if it instead took the number of +jumps before and after each jump, added the numbers up, and displayed that instead.


If the server doesn't have this plugin, and you really wanted to see proof if they scripted or not, ask them to record a demo of themselves bhopping. They usually put on their challenge accepted face and record that demo for you (The demo has to be a first person demo or it will not work). When you get that demo, type in console alias +jump "echo jump". In console you can see the word jump every time +jump is used. This follows the same thing with the !pad I mentioned. The word jump showing in console is like 1 pulse showing up on !pad


Also, here is a BHOP guide by TRIX http://forum.anihil.com/topic/31-ultimate-bhop-guide


He covers a lot of things. Some you might find important. It even covers how to find scripters through observations, but not in much detail

Edited by BlackEyes
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