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Loves you guys.

Even though I JB more than I should and suck really bad at 10mans, I couldn't see myself anywhere else.


P.S. I need Pro-Tips for 10mans. I am getting tired of having the worst k/d in 10mans. 2 and 16 makes me frown.


Oh and the main reason I made this thread was to tell you guys about myself and what has been going on at the BooT household.

Within one summer I have nearly lost everything.

-Parents are splitting

-We can't afford to pay for the house so we will probably lose it sometime next year

-My father was drunk one night and decided to get in the car and ended up in an accident, that had some really big bills and he lost his job and license because of it.

-I just recently got over a girl that meant a lot to me. That ended up taking long than I had hoped.

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@Scott, Thanks bud. I know I am usually "lively" because I hate to show it when I am sad and upset. It's not fun for everybody else.

@Ruda, that's not what I do ALL the time. I try to follow the plans, but somehow I fuck up somewhere or I just don't get the shot I needed to get.

@banned, eh practice.

@Darkwing, I do my best to learn from everybody, but when people began to raged, it's harder to learn. :\ I need to learn how to SourceTV so I can watch a 10man and take notes from Max and some other really good people. :P

@Mccain, Eh, I hope it works out too. I have to find myself a job and start working to help out around the house, but I keep slacking. :\

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-I just recently got over a girl that meant a lot to me. That ended up taking long than I had hoped.


I am sorry bro. I know the feeling, I quit HG because of girl stuff back in June and ended up getting rid of her in August. Don't hang on to any memories of her. "What could have been" or "All those good times" with her are better off ignoring and forgetting. Hope you get better bro. :)

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@creepa, I definitely will talk to you sometime on Steam. Thanks. :)

@Dr.Jiggles, that is definitely how I see it as well. Can't get any worse. :\

@Bob, I try not to hang on to the memories but then they just come back out of nowhere. It sucks, but I am doing my best to stay strong about it. Thanks man.

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