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Should the HellsGamers forums have a NSFW section?


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I've recently suggested that the HellsGamers forums have an 18+ section on the forums, where we can share NSFW links that otherwise wouldn't be appropriate on the rest of the forums. We're trying to get some feedback and see how everyone feels.


EDIT: Please choose yes or no and then post to explain your choice.

Edited by PizzaGuy
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Heres the thing with me is on our servers we have always been waste up soft porn type stuff so if this section can be controlled which we all know we cant with out infractions within the ruling of the rules for this to be honest this is not a good idea for what the clan has been based on with porn sprays and etc........ so thats why i voted no. sorry

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For all those who are wondering, "Well kids can look at it BRAH BRAH BRAH". Homer can install an age plugin that will not allow people who are less then 18 in that section of forum. And people who lie about their age, their fault. Fuck them.


I'm with this.


I can just imagine it now: everyone sharing their favourite pron links then later on in Jailbreak "Hey man did you see that chicks tits from suchandsuch dot com Big as yeah?", "Yeah mate DD dude haha trolololol so gooooooooood!"


Oh Jailbreak you make me laugh xD

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Heres the thing with me is on our servers we have always been waste up soft porn type stuff so if this section can be controlled which we all know we cant with out infractions within the ruling of the rules for this to be honest this is not a good idea for what the clan has been based on with porn sprays and etc........ so thats why i voted no. sorry



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