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Lags on HG website


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well, pinging hellsgamers.com in cmd i sent 4 packets (32mb of data). 4 packets were lost. im assuming its something about that. :L


Only because you're slow at knifing, and I don't think it would have much to do with the content, if anything MySQL would take longer to load, could just be the host.

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Only because you're slow at knifing, and I don't think it would have much to do with the content, if anything MySQL would take longer to load, could just be the host.


but i dont know all that computer shit! now read below! :P

thanks batters ,


i dont know if its right or not, but its not usually 4 packets all lost :s

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but i dont know all that computer shit! now read below! :P



i dont know if its right or not, but its not usually 4 packets all lost :s


You can try tracert instead of pinging it. Sometimes the connection is failing mid way instead.


My preference is to use pathping because it gives you a tad more diagnostic information however, try this


tracert hellsgamers.com


watch where the stars starting to appear. If they start hitting near the end and often, that may indicate that there may be a problem with either your ISP's routing or connection.

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You can try tracert instead of pinging it. Sometimes the connection is failing mid way instead.


My preference is to use pathping because it gives you a tad more diagnostic information however, try this


tracert hellsgamers.com


watch where the stars starting to appear. If they start hitting near the end and often, that may indicate that there may be a problem with either your ISP's routing or connection.




ummmm :P

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This looks like either

1. your firewall is playing bad with the website (or internet connection)

2. your isp's routing just took a poop, talk with your isp


Here's the tracert for mine


Tracing route to hellsgamers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms localhost []

2 25 ms 26 ms 25 ms s127.0.0.1.hsia.telus.net []

3 27 ms 26 ms 26 ms

4 70 ms 69 ms 68 ms

5 75 ms 92 ms 76 ms ge-0-0-31.ar1.lax2.us.nlayer.net []

6 88 ms 84 ms 86 ms ae1-50g.cr1.lax1.us.nlayer.net []

7 88 ms 89 ms 86 ms ae2-50g.ar1.lax1.us.nlayer.net []

8 96 ms 97 ms 98 ms as13335.ge-0-0-35.ar1.lax1.us.nlayer.net []

9 103 ms 98 ms 103 ms cf-199-27-134-141.cloudflare.com []


Trace complete.

Edited by enigma#
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ttaM to be honest i dont think that 40mbs is a shit internet . As i said before this is the only website that is acctualy lagging on me


It doesn't matter how fast your internet runs. You could have a 1 Gbps line running into your house but if your ISP's routing is lacking or inaccurate, it could be slow. Passing through multiple nodes only increases latency. Your internet 'speed' talks about how much information can passthrough per second, not how fast or how many nodes it passes through per second.


Consider this, in Korea, they have FTTP (Fibre to the Premises, as in to the house), their speeds vary between 100 Mbps -> 10 Gbps. Sad part is that this speed will probably slow down siginificantly once it reaches for example, North America.

It is like having a large size water pipe running into your house but the city only provides you with a small water pipe. You can take all the water you want but your flow is limited by your ISP. Likewise, the time for packets to reach certain websites are not determined alone by the speed of your internet always but rather by a few factors, namely the routing and speed of the backbone(s)


Try this:


a) Run a command prompt

B) type 'pathping hellsgamers.com > help.txt' (without the quotes)

Note: it takes about 5 minutes

c) Navigate to C:\Users\%username%\, you should find a file called 'help.txt'

d) Dump the contents of it as a reply. It should reveal more information as to why you feel it is slow.

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is there anything that we can do/people with acess to change the forums significantly to speed it up? Perhaps remove any posts that have less than 10 replies in and over a year old? would that speed it up?

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