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Suggestions for Dying My Hair!


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This thread and it's replies has got so much fail yet so much win! :P


if you end up dying your hair, dye all of it.


don't get tips unless you want to look like a douchey backstreet boy.

Poison, come on now. We all friggin loved the backstreet boys. Who you foolin?



But yeah as a few already said if we don't have a picture of you it's hard to say.. personally, I don't really like it when guys dye their hair, I'm more into the natural thing, but hey, who am I? :offensivesmilie:

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Tommo's ultimate "dye your hair guide"


Step 1. Go outside

Step 1.5. Find a hill.

Step 2. Prepare for the upcoming barrel role

Step 3. Begin said barrel role

Step 4. Roll down the hill and make sure that your hair rubs against the plants/dirt on the hill.


BONUS: If the hill is where animals often hang out, you might be able to get some natural brown colour going.

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Tommo's ultimate "dye your hair guide"


Step 1. Go outside

Step 1.5. Find a hill.

Step 2. Prepare for the upcoming barrel role

Step 3. Begin said barrel role

Step 4. Roll down the hill and make sure that your hair rubs against the plants/dirt on the hill.


BONUS: If the hill is where animals often hang out, you might be able to get some natural brown colour going.


ahhh those danish hairdressers :offensivesmilie:

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