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Favorite Radio Hosts?


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Here is my list, be warned, I am a talk radio junkie...


-Michael Savage isn't bad, as someone already said.

-I listen to Glenn Beck sometimes, his radio show isn't too bad when he isn't all preachy/religious. I enjoy the sarcasm and satire spin that him, Pat and Stew put on current events/politics.

-Hannity also isn't bad, although I don't like his aggressive interview tactics to try and force people to say things, and sometimes he mocks callers/guests more than what I would call acceptable.

-My favorite is a local talk show host that is pretty left leaning. He does a damned good job at painting the whole picture and letting folks from both parties make their case. I wish the national hosts had his format and style. If you want to look him up he goes by Bradshaw, and is in Iowa on 98.3 WOW-FM. He has podcasts available for download from the stations website. Plus I call in to the show pretty frequently and know both him and the call screener pretty well, so if it's a big issue and I have a well thought out position on it contrary to his own, they will put me on right after commercials and let me argue the issue with him for the entire 20-30 minute session before next break...which makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's like I am a guest or something.


Anyway, that's my list.

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