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Anone else have one of these?


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My (second) Logitech G5 just died on me (Which explains why Scott (or Scoot as it seems to be this week) was so easily able to kill me :P, so I had a choice of getting the G500 or this, the Cyborg RAT 7 (which I wound up getting).


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Everything I've seen says it's a great gaming mouse, not sure if any of you had any exp. with it.




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I'm a bit older. And a freelance web dev. That's how.


Took it out for a trial run tonight, granted not against any HG level players, but still not bad for trying to figure out the new movement (and it's bound to get better the more I use it)....



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...when my mouse dies off I was planning on getting the latest RAT :P


From just the hour or so I played with it I'd tell you it's worth it, def get it if you can.


Still have to config my TF2 profile on it, but the response it has is pretty amazing, even after having a G5.

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