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NBA season Might be Cancelled this Year


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What a bummer I just found out that they might not have a season for NBA this year, damn.. I guess too many players in the NBA are asking for alot of money again.. this is very dissapointing. I was already looking forward to see some basketball this winter but i guess it won't happen.

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Sucks for the small guys working in the stands, selling food, the mascots, and etc. Players dont want to lose money and owners dont want to lose money, big-market teams vs small-market teams the entire thing is a mess. People following the lockout knew the NBA season was likely gone since 2 weeks ago, and it sucks D:

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The big disagreement is over the profit/revenue sharing between players and owners. There's been a bunch of proposals like 49-51 in favor of the owners and 51-49 in favor of the players. It's all stupid though. They're cancelling games which the FANS go to, and pay to watch, and that's exactly whos money they're fighting over.

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It's ridiculous, they aren't a public worker fighting for the $10 an hour than they make, these are greedy bastards that make millions and they are asking for more and more.


That's not entirely true. The league minimum salary is around 600k. Also, the average athlete's career is just 5-7 years in length. You hear about the star players who sign these huge contracts but a majority of the league doesn't even come close to that.


Those major players are also making money from their endorsement deals, whereas players who aren't superstars do not.


I'm sure someone like yourself who makes 7 figures a year and can continue to do so for the rest of his life doesn't recognize that someone who makes 7 figures for less than 10 years is still called a "greedy bastard".

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That's not entirely true. The league minimum salary is around 600k. Also, the average athlete's career is just 5-7 years in length. You hear about the star players who sign these huge contracts but a majority of the league doesn't even come close to that.


Those major players are also making money from their endorsement deals, whereas players who aren't superstars do not.


I'm sure someone like yourself who makes 7 figures a year and can continue to do so for the rest of his life doesn't recognize that someone who makes 7 figures for less than 10 years is still called a "greedy bastard".


I'm sorry but 600k is a lot of money. I make 7 figures a year, yeah, but I actually do something that helps people and makes neighborhoods better. What does the NBA do for people? All they do is instill false hope that everyone can be a star. These commissioners don't know how to deal with unions. I had a problem recently with a union refusing to work at one of my company's construction sites because apparently 10 dollars over minimum isn't enough for them. Well, I went and fired them all. They tried their inflatable rat shit, I had someone accidentally run over the pump with a truck.

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I'm sorry but 600k is a lot of money. I make 7 figures a year, yeah, but I actually do something that helps people and makes neighborhoods better. What does the NBA do for people? All they do is instill false hope that everyone can be a star. These commissioners don't know how to deal with unions. I had a problem recently with a union refusing to work at one of my company's construction sites because apparently 10 dollars over minimum isn't enough for them. Well, I went and fired them all. They tried their inflatable rat shit, I had someone accidentally run over the pump with a truck.


Did you read my argument? 600k over 5-7 years(that's assuming a player making the minimum salary even stays in the league that long) is not a lot compared to 7 figures over 30+ years working for the same company. Like someone said in this thread, the NBA provides jobs for arena workers for the winter season.

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Good, maybe they'll fucking realize that when they actually have a job that works sucks. Maybe then they'll go back to playing sports for only a few million a year, tough break for them man, how can anyone live off of multiple millions of dollars every year?


Oh wait that's right, there are kids in Africa living off of a dollar a week, I guess it's possible

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Did you read my argument? 600k over 5-7 years(that's assuming a player making the minimum salary even stays in the league that long) is not a lot compared to 7 figures over 30+ years working for the same company. Like someone said in this thread, the NBA provides jobs for arena workers for the winter season.


Well that is the career they chose. Your argument is valid with the arena workers though, but they should have a separate union.

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Basketball is the second worst team sport, only ahead of Hockey.


Good riddance.


GTFO what do you watch baseball !!!!!!



Did you read my argument? 600k over 5-7 years(that's assuming a player making the minimum salary even stays in the league that long) is not a lot compared to 7 figures over 30+ years working for the same company. Like someone said in this thread, the NBA provides jobs for arena workers for the winter season.



Edited by Dr.jiggles
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basketball players are way too overrated though sure I will agree that Lebron has talent but making news specials to announce a team change and everything that got caught up with that like wtf dude no need for that. along with most of these guys do community service or donate a small amount to charities to boost their image I would like to see someone play the game for their passion not the greed in salaries. Yes, it is their job but if they don' t like making a few million less for doing the same things they've been doing then try something else no need for this bullshit

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Yes, it is their job but if they don' t like making a few million less for doing the same things they've been doing then try something else no need for this bullshit


Anyone who wouldn't fight for a "few million" is an idiot. The players and coaches are the ones putting on the show(and are the only one anyone gives two fucks about), and they want a certain cut of the profit regardless of how much they are already making. It'd be the same as a white collar company growing huge due to the hard work of their employees and then not giving them their fair share of that growth.


If these guys played purely for the love of the sport, I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't be in the NBA to begin with.


Fuck the fans. It's fan's rabid consumerism that is causing this problem in the first place.

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