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BigjohnMS [L] #CSS hell


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1. Abuser name: HG | BigjohnMS [L] #CSS hell

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:28716613

3. What server: CSS Jail Break

4. About what time: 2:25 AM EST

5. PROOF: These are screen shots of him trying to T list and successfully doing it after several failed attempts and threatening to ban me.












6. Please tell us about the incident: So Bigjohn came on the server (he seemed a bit drunk I can't tell but if he was that's his own fault. I thought he was a trusted admin so I left him be thinking he could do what he wanted. But then I asked later if he was and he and others said no so I was just gonna watch him.


Later in the game It was the start of a round the lead gave an order to exit cells and proceed to bottom of cell stairs, Bigjohn, who was in first or second cell, immediately broke off and ran towards me and one other CT near sauna. So I just head shot him and continued on, couple seconds later I get slayed. He calls me a dick and I just think he's mad and playing around. He calls me a free killer but quickly stops as he sees he has no back up. Even now that he knows he's in the wrong, he starts trying to T list me (Mind you he randomly t switched me once he joined to make room for him to join CT a while earlier). So then he successfully T list's me and I warn him to Un-T list me or I will report him as it is admin abuse. So this continued on and he threatens to ban me so here we are now with me reporting him.


Now keep in mind, Even if I did FK him he T listed which is not the right course of action. He should have just slayed me and left it at that; So he still needs to be punished.

Edited by spartan029
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I'm afraid you're a little off on the time beast702. This is a completely different incident.


And if so, disregard those slaps from my report. I will take them out. That part is of lesser importance.


Now keep in mind, Even if I did FK him he T listed which is not the right course of action. He should have just slayed me and left it at that; So he still needs to be punished.


this is all u need to say freekiller


I'm afraid that's not really a sufficient defense as all it does is admit to every thing I've just stated about you.

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I'm afraid you're a little off on the time beast702. This is a completely different incident.


And if so, disregard those slaps from my report. I will take them out. That part is of lesser importance.




I'm afraid that's not really a sufficient defense as all it does is admit to every thing I've just stated about you.


So your admitting to the freekill then?

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I'm not admitting to any thing. I never free killed. He's trying to use it as a faulty defense as he know's I'm right. I've done nothing wrong here. However, I know he can rule this however he wants. So I'll just stand by my statement and story. If I know I've done nothing wrong, I've got no guilt.


And edit: He just banned me for no reason. Certainly that's abuse.



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I'm sorry, I was in spectator. Also, I can't understand the second half of your sentence.


What it seems like here is. A high up admin screwed up, every one knows it and doesn't know what to do, so you're just erasing the problem. Banning me? I suppose I'll be banned on the web site soon now? Even after being on the server for over a year, having a good track record and buying admin that was never revoked?

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No if you are Tlist/ Teamswitched which he did to you and you switched back to ct that can warrant for a ban and also threatening a leader with a report just because he didn't take you off the tlist is a bad move by your part.


You are unbanned the T-list on you is only for a day if it even sticked on if it did wait it out, if it didnt you are able to go on ct.


And also don't try to threaten leaders to "try" to get it your way because I can assure you it won't.

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