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JJK Abuse


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1. Abuser name: HG | JJK

2. Their Steam Id: Don't know, incident happened on forums, not server

3. What server: incident happened on forums, not server

4. About what time:10:30 PM CST

5. PROOF: Screenshot Below

6. Please tell us about the incident:


I posted something about wanting a dota 2 beta key on forums, and would appreciate it if anyone has one that can spare me one. First time, I thought I didn't post it, because after I posted it, apparently it got deleted. i didn't know, thought clicking the submit button didnt go through, so I posted it second time, and I made sure it went through. It got deleted again. So I went to the chatbox and asked why did my post get deleted. Reason I asked is because I read the sticky and I wasn't violating any rules. I was thinking maybe it got moved to the Dota 2 section, but when I checked it wasn't there. So i asked in the chatbox, accompanying with the question asking if anyone can spare me a dota 2 beta key, then I was banned. Apparently JJK banned me, but what I didn't understand was why didn't he give me a warning. Sticky on the forum didn't have a rule that said "do not beg for anything", when I signed up for an account there was also nothing that said "begging will not be tolerated". I am reporting this because


#1. I wasn't given any kind of warning before banned

#2. I was not violating any rules that was written on the forums, sorry if i didn't know there were rules going around secretly.

#3. As I have explained, I didn't do multiposts to be an ass, but I was unaware of violating a rule, slap me a warning would've stopped me right there. So NO JJK I wasn't being ignorant.





Edited by Papa John
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actually this is the first time I have encountered this kind of rule, but I have to agree with u that this kind of thread does go up to like 10 pages with posts like "I WANT A KEY TOO" .etc. But those posts didn't get deleted or people who posted them didn't get banned. It is also the first time I have posted something other than a banning report/unban request on this forums. Therefore like I said, I didn't know. But in previous occasions in the server where I was violating a rule, and I was slapped a warning first, then I stopped ever since. I was wondering why this wasn't the case here

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I dont even need to read your garbage. You kept askign for shit after having multiple threads deleted.


Heres the rules you broke.




#4 says - Staff and Council decisions are final, and should be regarded as such, unless otherwise stated.


you ignored the deleted posts BY STAFF over and over and kept begging.




#7 says - Do not spam.










# 9 says to post a thread in the appropriate forum


https://hellsgamers.com/forums/168-DotA-2 <- thats the dota forum, and no we dont allow begging there







that thread states


- It is up to the discretion of the Councils and Leaders as to what is breaking the rules.


fuck off please

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actually...if u read my "garbage", u would've saw why I reposted, furthermore, all i wanted was an explanation why it was removed. Forum rules didn't state asking for something as "spam"...and I don't know why u are using such foul language. How am I supposed to be nice here if I wasn't treated nicely. If staff and council ultimately decides what is breaking the rules or not then why even bother having sticky...and if so, where was the warning I was supposed to get for my first offense...and the #1 link above should've been a sticky in the general gaming discussion forums.

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DOTA 2 is not a free game. Trading keys is probably against their terms of service and we don't need the forums turning into a place for peddling warez.


I understand that you feel angry about getting your posts deleted without explanation and then getting banned, but now I feel angry about having to waste my time dealing with bullshit like this. Now everybody's angry. I hope you're happy.


Sure, if JJK sent you a PM or something it would have been better, but just because he did not do that doesn't mean he "abused" you.

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For admins who are trying to maintain a forum, spammers, advertisers, and bots are considered the scum of the earth. Their posts are deleted with impunity and their accounts are banned with uninhibited wantonness.


You may have been mistaken for such scum. Sorry if that is the case. However, there's no reason act so scorned. Sit back... relax... take a deep breath... think about how great the weather is, etc.

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