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Angry Admins?


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This isn't a report, so feel free to move this or tell me privately where I should post this but I felt this is appropriate.


Just as a recruit I know I can't say much however I feel one thing is noticeable and should be mentioned and that is the use of the Abuse Reports. Yes, they do their job and I find them to be very effective. However, I find that an admin sees that they were reported by a fellow member or a regular and get insulted or offended by it. In retaliation most will try hard to catch the individual doing something wrong, banning or some other action that is deemed appropriate and act a lot more "strict." This isn't me trying to pick at anyone, but if you are caught abusing by another member and reported for it, don't take it out on anyone. Think of it as being a way to keep you in check. It isn't a personal attack or any sort of sabotage to get rid of anyone's admin, it is meant to ensure most people are having fun and spammers get muted, hackers get banned, etc.


Thank you admins, keep up the good work.

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I see it like this Stan: Admin is not a power, it's a tool. Tools aren't made to hurt others necessarily, but rather to aid one in fulfillment of their duties. The duties of us as Members, Veterans, Managers, Leaders, Technical Council (*cough* JJK ftw *cough*), or what have you is to protect and watch over our servers and to prevent harm, not cause it. This goes double for us tool carryin' admins. Think of admin as laissez-faire economics, practice a hands-off unless necessary lifestyle regarding such. Then this way, abuse wouldn't even exist, and trust me, I took statistics.



People should just leave people alone, and use admin for good, not for retardation. Although funny retardation in good spirit is warranted as long as there's limits...now excuse me I'm going to go eat a cupcake.



EDIT: I'm no angel tho. Nobody's perfect :D

Edited by Watermelon Jackson
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Don't fear me, Stannieboy!

I don't hate anyone and I'm not one to go for revenge <3

Then again, I don't think you'd have to make an abuse report on my cause I tend to be too nice for people instead of too strict :3

Also, Mccain, good to know we can directly contact leaders with that problem if 'needed' :)


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