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Server restarts


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The HG server i play on religiously is the dust2 My question is, why does the server restart so often? As soon as you start getting 25-30 people+ you play for a short time then the server ALWAYS restarts for no apparent reason. Yes, I'm aware that servers do need to restart from time to time... But we never seem to be able to get and hold a decent server population because of the restarts... Anyway to go about changing how often the servers restart? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Yes kigen I meant to bring this up earlier but didn't see you online last week, it seems that every time I go to check on the server for hackers the players are all connected for about the same time. (ex: 7 people have been connected for 20 mins and no ones been connected longer than that indicates a server restart for me) however I have never personally witnessed any of these restarts however

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