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Microsoft is a jerk. :)


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So I have been playing on xbox recently, I need to get a new motherboard for my pc and it will be a little longer....So last night i went on and I am now banned until 13/31/9999 and I called them and they wont give me a legit reason why. Thanks microsoft!




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So I have been playing on xbox recently, I need to get a new motherboard for my pc and it will be a little longer....So last night i went on and I am now banned until 13/31/9999 and I called them and they wont give me a legit reason why. Thanks microsoft!





Did you check your e-mail? lol...

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So I have been playing on xbox recently, I need to get a new motherboard for my pc and it will be a little longer....So last night i went on and I am now banned until 13/31/9999 and I called them and they wont give me a legit reason why. Thanks microsoft!




Blizzard has the best customer support!

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In PS3's defense , i don't remember Xbox Live ever being free either.


Xbox players are more fun too play with bc they are more legit while ps3 are either 10 year olds with a mic or some cheap fatass who won't pay 50 dollars a year seriously guys some of u pay 15 a month for admin while it's only 7 a month for xbl to play with other fun players that aren't complete dumbasses

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Xbox players are more fun too play with bc they are more legit while ps3 are either 10 year olds with a mic or some cheap fatass who won't pay 50 dollars a year seriously guys some of u pay 15 a month for admin while it's only 7 a month for xbl to play with other fun players that aren't complete dumbasses


Just because you pay doesn't mean its better. Both have their pros and cons, and you could go on forever debating them. #don'tevenownaPS3

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Just because you pay doesn't mean its better. Both have their pros and cons, and you could go on forever debating them. #don'tevenownaPS3


I dont have a xbox or ps3 BUT i use to own both at one point. I'm not saying that one is more ultimate then the other im just saying that if your looking to be a serious player with a good community then join XBL if your just some lazy asshole who doesnt really care then get a ps3.

Its like either ESEA or just some other website for scrims. They might be a membership or free but the membership seems to give better benefits

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The 9999 thing is just a way of saying you've been perma-banned...if you haven't been hacking or glitching or anything, then either make a new account or call up Microsoft and cry to the Indian people there who heavily deny that they are foreign and say they are native Ohio-ers.


It's like, comedic, man

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