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!pd spam


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At the beginning of the round there is always that one person that hits !pd 5 or 6 times and take all of the rolls. can we make it so that its only one roll per person? or can we make it so admins can do something about the people that spam their binds?

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it would be possible to limit it to 1 per person (i would guess) but admins doing stuff about it is impossible for i, myself have mwheelup bound to pd. this means nothing is shown in the chat and admins wouldnt know who got them. There have been a few times where i havent got anything yet only one person above me has "typed" in !pd

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if it could be made one per person per round without admins having to scroll back up through the spam that the beginning of a round always has, that would be great.

I would dislike having to look "who took 2" in the console or chat cause theres just too many lines in the chat at the beginning of a round, combined with a million "!pd"'s..


EDIT: also, since a lot of people will have it as a bind, like batters with his mouswheel up, it would suck for them if they accidentally roll too far/press twice and get in trouble for it, imo..

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Hmmm, didn't even know that people could roll more than once; I never use !pd myself lol.


Anywho, updated so you can only use it once per round, give it till next server restart or later to be on the server.


DAMN! Now i cant get electric chair, first cell and admin room all in one round! :(

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Hmmm, didn't even know that people could roll more than once; I never use !pd myself lol.


Anywho, updated so you can only use it once per round, give it till next server restart or later to be on the server.


Great, kinda got fed up of Batters cheating (jk but thanks anyway for updating :) )


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