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Solveitwithguns Unban Request


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1. Your in-game name: Solveitwithguns

2. Server that you were banned on: All/Forums

3. The Banning admin: The_Monkey, and JJK

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:33553817

5. Reason for ban: Thought to be involved in an attack on HG.

I was banned from Teamspeak, permanently while talking to Prius, and Monkey, etc. At the time I had no idea why they were wanting to ban me. They said the community I was in, did something bad to them. When I said I didn't know what it was, and I wasn't a part of it, Monkey banned me. At the time I honestly didn't know what happened, so I went to the Teamspeak, and asked them what the fuck they did. They said one member of the community had Dos'd a few HG servers, so they banned everyone in the community.

Yes, I did go into the DrakRP server, and advertised 3 times. I got so angry for being banned from a community I was a part of for over a year. I'm sorry for that, and would still be fine with being banned in all servers. I just want to be un banned from the forums and TeamSpeak, or at least Teamspeak.

I was in HG for over a year, and was beyond loyal, and truthful. I wasn't a part of this, and wouldn't ever want to hurt HG. Hopefully this can start repairing the hurt that certain member caused between these 2 communities.

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Guest The_Monkey

Not unbanned.


You were retarded enough to follow those retards, and allow stupid shit attacks against us.


You would be better off with a volvo firmly planted in your anus while simultaneously fisting a cow.


And you griefed in my minecraft server.

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