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Automatically mute all but lead after !lead


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I believe that whenever a new lead assumes position, regardless of when it is in the round, everyone except that person should be muted for around 5-10 seconds (Ts can still be unmuted at the 5:30 mark when this applies to the beginning of a round). Even at the beginning, CTs have a tendency of spamming over lead for various reasons (thinking someone else got lead, asking a question, purposely being annoying). This sometimes leads to Ts being confused and spamming "WHAT" into the main chat and then complaining that they died because they couldn't hear. Also, when a lead dies and there's a shitload of commotion, it's very difficult for the new lead to command because of someone typically spamming HLDJ over orders and all of that. Again, the silence doesn't have to be that long, but it should be of a great enough duration so that initial orders are heard.


Just a side question, but is it possible for the server to have a way to detect when there are too many mics going at once and can mute a team (or both) for a short period of time to prevent buffer overflow and spamming over lead?

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