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Game Servers


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I was wondering what the name was of your guys' game server status on the portal on the right. I've tried GameQ, LGSL, and many others and everything I tried it always echos "Offline!" -.- yet there is people in my servers so i don't know whats going on. I like your guys' game servers and would like to give the one you guys have a try cause it seems to work perfect. lol. If you guys customly coded yours and dont feel like giving out the code I understand but maybe someone can give me some help? Btw, im trying to Query 2 Counter-Strike: Source servers, a Minecraft server, a Garrys Mod server, and a AlterIWNet (MW2) server. I have tried all of my servers with multiple different Query scripts like i listed before but still no luck D:

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It's custom made using LGSL's protocols file for the queries.

If all your server queries are saying offline, it sounds like your web server needs to open the game ports because it is being firewalled. Example port for css to work is open port 27015

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