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Ask the Borrito


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Hello everyone. I'm still fairly new to this forum and I still kinda feel like a hermit plus I am bored and so with that being said I'd like to break the ice. In this thread you can ask me any question you'd like. Feeling if the question is appropriate and/or not to private I will answer with complete honesty (give or take if you feel it really is my honest answer). No one really knows 100% what the real answer is to ANY question other than the person being asked so I guess you have to take my word for it lol. d>.<b Whelp in any case I'm off to work so I hope to see lots of questions. I hate feeling like a stranger. Deuces.

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How come I cant fly?


Cuz deep down inside you still doubt your abilities.


I'll just ask a normal question (I will probably be the only one in this entire thread, mark my words:D)

What servers do you usually play on? :P I'm so boring. :D


Not boring. Its technically what i meant. But I play in pistol dm mostly or de_dust2 Unlimited.


/\ creeper


Why are shitty movies end up being fucking awesome?


Because we doubt the minds of the directors.

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