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This is my build for you silly people wanting to know how I play her (NO ONE DOES YOU NERD)


Summoner's Spells:





I used to be a big fan of cleanse but I found that flash works better for chasing etc...







9x Greater Marks of Desolation (This will give you ~15 Armour Penetration)

9x Greater Glyphs of Warding (This will give you ~13 bonus magic resistance)

9x Greater Seals of Resilience (This will give you ~13 bonus armour)

3x Greater Quintessence of Desolation (This will give you ~10 Armour Penetration)

For a total of:


25 Armour Penetration

13 Armour

13 Magic Resistance



Item Build:

I start off with Doran's Blade (item_66.jpg).


On my first trip back, I try to save enough to get another Blade (item_66.jpg) and Boots of Speed (item_25.jpg)


On second trip back, I get Avarice Blade item_51.jpg and some health pots. If I have enough, I try to upgrade my boots to Beserker's Greaves item_83.jpg




From there, I build Phantom Dancer item_89.jpg, Infinity's Edge item_60.jpg, and Bloodthirsters item_73.jpg.


Depending on how the game is going, I try to get my base lifesteal to about 15% (this can be done with a Vampiric scepter item_41.jpg with my mastery bonus.


In the end it looks like this





This costs roughly 16K gold to build, so depending on how well the game is going prioritise the following


Infinity's Edge, phantom dancers, your boots, and some lifesteal.

You can even build Wriggle's Lantern if you can't afford another BF sword.


If you want to, substitute one of the Phantom dancers (or a bloodthirster) for some survivability, especially if you have a team that can nuke.


Suggested items are Banshee's Veil item_29.jpg, Frozen Mallet item_15.jpg. There are plenty other items that will do just fine.




Early Game:


After buying your first item (Doran's Blade), get into mid if you can (my preferred lane if I'm playing Tristana). If you have a jungler that starts at blue or wants to start at blue, check the bushes beside it and stay in them if it's clear.

I get explosive shot (spell_167.jpg) first to help farm.


At 1:55, blue will spawn. What I do is explosive shot it and hit it a few times (depending on who is needing blue).


Return mid and begin lane phase. Typically, what I do is to wait for last hits only. Depending on the hero you're facing, try to hit the mid champ (usually a squishy... but I've seen tanky DPS/AP champs mid lately -.-) a bit. With the armour penetration from your runes and masteries, you will be able to hit pretty hard early game.


Depending on the champ you're facing, the damage done to them, and if they have a jungle, once you hit level 2. pick rocket jump (spell_166.jpg) and proceed to jump on their face.


If you can do enough damage, don't ignite them. Chances are, they'll flash and/or exhaust you. Early game, IMO exhaust spell_201.jpg isn't very useful. It's 2.5 seconds. If you got the first jump on them, they'll be slowed significantly, so either they'll stay and fight OR flash (spell_214.jpg/ghost(spell_202.jpg out with/out exhaust. If you really need to, ignite them and proceed to autoattack.


You can probably get first blood with this combo with a squishy. If you don't, don't worry about it.


Continue laning. Last hits only please if possible.


*** Note, if they have a jungle, they will probably try to gank you around level 2-3 and again when you're about level 6. ***


To help me with the enemy jungler, I usually grab two sight wards and stick them in the bushes top/down of my champion.


Mid Game

Assuming you've farmed enough and have enough for your bf sword (buy it), keep pushing and see if you can take mid tower down. (or whatever tower you're at). If you can, great, take down mid tower and continue farming if your teammates are doing fine. If not, go help them by ganking.


You should be primarily focusing their squishy and also doing your best NOT TO DIE. As a carry, it is critical that you deal damage. If you have a lot of CC on your team, utilise that to your advantage and harass the hell out of them. If they have a lot, play more conservatively. Do not try killing a champion (squishy or NOT) unless you're 100% that you can.


Be aware at this stage of the game, ganks fly left/right on both teams especially if you have an aggressive team / or if they do.


Late game

You probably should have at least an Infinity's Edge, Blood thirsters, some life steal, your boots and a zeal.

Focus on dealing damage and surviving.



Edited by enigma#
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What about merc's (Late Game)

Imo Tenacity is great for tristana


Off topic:We need a section for these in the LoL forum.


If you want survivability, then yes, the magic resistance helps with tenacity.


IMO I haven't found a reason to switch zerk's out yet. Generally speaking, Tristana is extremely squishy and is not meant for initiation or running into a group of them. Unless they feed you lol

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I agree with Ven. We have a request section for builds, but maybe we should just make a section for self-made full guides.


On topic, how'd you get the pictures? Just code them from google images? Looks like a Mobafire/TSM guide XD


Build is good though, but not sure about no lifesteal early. I usually pick up double dorans, zerks, vamp scept when I play ad carry. THEN start building things like ghostblade/IE.

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I agree with Ven. We have a request section for builds, but maybe we should just make a section for self-made full guides.


On topic, how'd you get the pictures? Just code them from google images? Looks like a Mobafire/TSM guide XD


Build is good though, but not sure about no lifesteal early. I usually pick up double dorans, zerks, vamp scept when I play ad carry. THEN start building things like ghostblade/IE.


I like the idea of having a builds section IF it is popular enough xD

About the pictures, got them off leaguecraft, hotlinking off them.. D:


Most of the time, I get my Youmuu's first before any major items. The lifesteal is good for midgame survivability.

I don't have to get vampiric sceptor right away, if I'm doing well, I get a BF sword and go right to IE. It's quite circumstantial =D

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Seems like a very good build on tristana but maybe get frozen mallet instead of the second phantom dancer, since you do have the summoner spell ignite. But i do like the build!


you shouldn't have to slow if you have a decent team

I think it's agood idea though if your team can't support you ;(

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rocket jump will be picked first or second depending if you wanna invade or not their jungle.



Doran's Blade > Beserker's Greaves > Infinity Edge > Phantom Dancer > Last Whisper > The Bloodthirster > Wriggle's Lantern.


You always want to pick boots and 3 hp pots first so you can have more movement speed and can stay in your lane farming for longer with your 3 hp pots. This will depend if you have soraka as a support or not. Let's say you have Janna support, you will probably play aggressive so boots 3 hp pots would be ver good but if you have soraka you will play more passive and she can heal you so a doran blade could be usefull so your lan doesn't get pushed at your tower too hard.

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Doran's Blade > Beserker's Greaves > Infinity Edge > Phantom Dancer > Last Whisper > The Bloodthirster > Wriggle's Lantern.


my only question is why would you get wriggle's SO LATE IN THE GAME. if you need early game tankiness it should be your first item NOT YOUR LAST.

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anyway wriggle's is more for jungle or top lane.


Only ADs who should ever be getting wriggles are ones who lack early game killing potential because they have little mobility or damage early. By name: Kog'maw, Vayne, Miss Fortune, and Varus. Even then, that's only situational (you would never do it with a sustain support) and is far from ideal (if you're ahead you should be pushing out PD/BF Sword items).

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Only ADs who should ever be getting wriggles are ones who lack early game killing potential because they have little mobility or damage early. By name: Kog'maw, Vayne, Miss Fortune, and Varus. Even then, that's only situational (you would never do it with a sustain support) and is far from ideal (if you're ahead you should be pushing out PD/BF Sword items).


that's what I just said lol.

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