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HentaiHacker Frekilling for fun and with rage


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wait waht?


So you are defending this a guy taht you also had no clue waht he did?


Are you saying two peopel had access to the same admin account?


I dont get it, I think we should jsut close this drama thread


Noooo.. It's getting good.. Let them rage among themselves, I just like having some lively entertainment around here..

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Global Warming I would just like to point out....I have more posts then you.


Anyways I find it kind of odd that you can defend someone from just a video, and that you would come on and defend him. Doesn't make sense to me.

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How doesn't it make sence? i kinda understand. say you had a friend that played counterstrike, then you got your admin taking away from being blammed for somthing. You tell your friend what you did wrong so he can come back you up on the forumns. Basically some of it is bullshit in my opinion because his friend wasn't even in the server to see what happened TRUTHFULLY so he shouldnt even be here telling his side of the story.

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But like I said, in the video it looks like the guy next to him gets shot aswell, plus he tries to run back into his cell. I think there were orders being given, Juicy didn't even comment on his abuse against him? Tbh this all looks like a little grudge war to get hentai's admin taken away.


Don't know about the 'friend' though


Tbh if you call this admin abuse.. go on the jailbreak server when latino, vagina and 6 other admins are on.. you'll get admin abuse like no tomorrow

Edited by UN4M3D
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Zarifion and Juicy has also not responded to this thread in a while....


to un4med - i think vagina is fine as an admin, i havent seen latino as an admin or dont remember any actions hes done so he cant be that bad...


to Papa John - ur calling out my friend for speculating and saying he was not even there during the time of the event as u were also not there when it occured. although both ur opinions are biased each of you must watch the video carefully and come to ur own conclusion... all i explained to my friend was that i was being banned and to back me up, and he watched the video and explained wat he saw

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