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So who decides whats an offensive name now?


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This is a situation I had with Reddevil on JB today. I change my name to "The Black Jew", first lets do an analysis.


Black is a color. Jew is a race/religion. The Black Jew means a dark skinned jewish person. Looks harmless, right? Apparently if you have e-powers, you have the right to be offended and make people change their name for no good reason.


What was the reason my name was changed? Maybe someone with sausage in their name offends me, why don't they get forced to change their name?

You might think, you're fucking trolling, but no, i wasn't. This isn't a be all, end all excuse on power abuse.


I didn't use any slander in my name, theres no reason that an admin should dictate that a harmless name should be changed based on their own biases and hate. Because it's absolutely moronic that such a big deal was made about this in the server.

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I might be wrong on the matter but its the up to the admin's discretion whether he or she finds the name to be offensive or not, however they should warn the abuser first before changing or doing anything else. If it were me I would have asked you to change the name, you might not mean any harm by doing it but others will take offense to it.

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First of all, we decide what names are offensive and what aren't.


As for your name, given that the words Jew and Black aren't offensive in anyway regardless of how they positioned in a sentence. I would have left you alone; however, if someone complained or you used that name in response to an issue regarding racism or some form of prejudice, then yes - that would be offensive.

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Weeman, don't assume things like that. I didn't change it because I wanted a rise out of anyone, because IT SHOULDNT GET A RISE OUT OF ANYONE.


I was doing my normal JB thing with this name, there was no question of me using the name so I can spout racism and anti-semetic talk.

Literally, this was as harmless as can be. But no, its never the admins fault, the player must be trolling!


If my name was something like the "Sneaky money jew", then yes, I'd SEE A REASON TO MAKE ME CHANGE IT.

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This is ridiculous. My name, regardless of what you think about me trolling or not, was not offensive. You know that to be true. Oh and JJK, me posting an unban request makes me a troll now? I can tell you how you banned me from Teamspeak after me telling you to "Read the unban thread on the forums" and you banning me, but you'll ignore that.


Yeah...so instead of actually fixing ignorance by people in the server thinking that names with Jew and Black or w/e in them are racist/offensive, you team up against me. Why is this constantly made a place of hostility where no admins will come and defend something because the head admin can't be argued with?


My name was not offensive. That is my point here.

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Simple solution. Don't push the limits on our rules. You may not find it offensive, but guess what ..some people do.


Get rid of the issue before one begins. If you just simply did what the admin had asked for you to do, it isn't that big deal.


We have rules in play for a reason. No matter what you say in this thread, you are only going to make yourself look worse.


Simple as that. Not sure why you are making a huge deal out of this when it isn't. We ask people to change their names ALL THE TIME.


tl:dr - Don't push the rules. This won't happen.

Edited by ^TheRumor^
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JJK, don't worry, no one will question you, I can see that. You pretend to take serious concerns into consideration but how is this not one? You've basically taught your admins to pretend like non-offensive names are offensive. That's ignorance.


I asked Red why I needed to change it, he said "because i said so", like a child. No, please, continue to label me as a troll. How about I consider him taking a harmless name and calling it offensive, OFFENSIVE? Maybe I'm a christian and don't like seeing the word devil in peoples names, can i get his name changed? Oh, i'm being silly now, because now this is a case against an admin, who is always right.




Edit: And LOL at me pushing the limits. You think "The Black Jew" is pushing the limits, do you? Man, I wonder if someone came in the server with gay in their name, what would happen.

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