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Old Account Ban


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Hello, I was banned from the HG servers about a year ago or so for a time when I made a racial remark on one of your servers while drunk. I have come back to the game again, and I really would like to have a second opportunity to play on your great servers. I have had a different outlook on life since my banning and all I want to do is play cs before the new one comes out. I would reallly appreciate the second chance and can promise i will always be a respectful player on the hg servers. I hope you can forgive me for my poor actions and can accept my apology.





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1. Your in-game name:

2. Server that you were banned on:

3. The Banning admin:

4. Your Steam-Id:

5. Reason for ban:

Fill this also,

Need steam id with out that we cant do anything.


1. Denim Chicken

2. Can't remember, maybe crackhouse?

3. Can't remember

4. steam_0:1:27845581

5. Can't remember exact reason besides it was tied to me being obnoxious.

Hope this is helpful.

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What you did was completely stupid and disrespectful. Racism is and will not be tolerated by HG at all. But since I'm in a good mood tonight, I'll give you one more chance. If you screw this up, there will not be another chance. alright? good.

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