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If you are Special, Tell me a story!

Haterz Gon' Hate

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It's Story Time everybody!, tell me a story if you would like! :o im very in the mood, *this is a joke, dont take it seriously!*. There, was once a pond of times, there was a kids with many batteries, the kid wanted to play with his toys, a year later he grew up, and he learned how to apply those batteries to his toys, once he learned of this, he pretended to be happy, and he grew up faster and faster daily, learning new ways to enjoy himself, so he googled "best game on the computer that i can chat and talk trash to people on mic, and counter strike came up to him and said, taalee ho!". Every since, this boy learned and enjoyed this wonderful game until, the time has passed by, where he could not stand being the only one without power, so the kid struck daily and daily trying to achieve his goal, but who knows what his goal was?, maybe it was to be toprep, or maybe it was to be an admin, who knows....so the story goes on...about a boy, with a wonderful mind, who enjoys telling stories.....he was young, infact he was 19.....his name was Haters, yes btchz its me, you never thought id make this story about myself did you. This story was made to troll you. yet you keep reading on and on, and yet you are still reading this? how stupid do you feel for still being able to read this going through all this trouble and hatred from this story. Does it bother you? does it make you happy?, this is a combination of love and hatred, and that is why my name is Haterz Gon' Hate. This story is brought to you by the TROLLS: Thank You very much for reading this and taking your time, well me taking your time, ;). Have a Great Day!


The One And, Only Haterz Gon' Hate.

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One time i was playing jb and batters and angel kept opening cells, slaying people, low gravity, drug everyone thru points though, was so fun, lol.


thas no story! thats hard core fact!! :3 lololol

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