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Youtube Videos


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Hey, HG. I recently found the offical HG youtube channel. I saw that they dont upload much, so I had an idea. I thought maybe I could start making videos for HG, about HG. These videos would include gameplay, maybe interviews with higher level members of HG, and just some random videos of funny things that go happen on HG servers. I would really appreciate if someone replied to this. Thanks guys!!

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Please message me here on the forums for more information. I am always accepting new content. I can't do it alone. It is up to you guys to help provide new things.



I've always said, let me know what you want me to do and I'll make videos for you guys. Doesn't matter what it is, I have Sony Vegas and Adobe After Effects.



LOL no...


but we dont just want anything on our youtube, we're the top of the world! we need epic vids. dont accept just anything jess! >.<


Put me in coach.

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