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Exercise Advice


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I'm swearing into the Marines next month. I need to be able to run 3 miles in 20 minutes, do 25 pull-ups, and 100 crunches in 2 minutes. These aren't the minimum requirements, but what I want to be able to do on the PFT. Anyone out there have any advice on nutrition/exercise that I should be following?

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Just quit smoking. I could do an 8 minute mile. I currently work out and have a gym membership. When I'm at training with fellow recruits, I push myself to the point of throwing up. I find it difficult to stay motivated when I am working out alone

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Just quit smoking. I could do an 8 minute mile. I currently work out and have a gym membership. When I'm at training with fellow recruits, I push myself to the point of throwing up. I find it difficult to stay motivated when I am working out alone


Find someone to work out with you, listen to some motivating music. Keep conditioning and training yourself to work on mile time+strength for like pull ups and such


and eat good xP

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just cut down on grease foods and do 100 sit ups and push ups before going to bed like me. i run a mile in 6mins


You're Asian. That's cheating.


Best way to lose weight, find pictures of fat people and look at them daily thinking "If I don't run an extra mile today, I'll end up looking like that."


I'll send you some for 15 each. 20 if you want me naked. ;)

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do u know the minimum requirements for the army and airforce? ive always wondered...


Assuming you're in the youngest age bracket, the regular Army requires a 15:54 2-mile to pass. Add about 30 seconds for every 5 years of age. Unless we're talking about females, in which case the cut-off times are laughably high. Initial Entry Training tests require a lower score to pass, so you're effectively bumped up an age group until you reach your first duty station.


As far as PT goes, you're pretty much just going to want to do exercises that replicate that pushing and pulling motion involved in a pull-up, and try to knock out about 100 sit-ups a day. You can work abs pretty much every day without burning them out. A fairly standard rotation for upper body is to work it every other day.


As far as the run goes, I was sucking wind hard the first few months I started running. Two major factors for your time are cardio/respiratory and leg strength. It doesn't do you any good to have strong legs if you're dry heaving, and it's no better to be cramping up when you're not breathing hard. For cardio, I'd mix it up between your 3 mile timed run and short sprints. It gives you some variety, lets you know where you are on the distance, and helps your cardio. You should also get into a good breathing rhythm so you're not starving yourself of oxygen. If you haven't already, make sure you have RUNNING shoes that FIT YOUR STRIDE, and that they're not worn out. You'll hurt yourself if you don't, and then you'll be in a shitty way through all of boot camp. Speaking of hurting yourself, limit your running to 3 or 4 times a week, especially starting out. As with everything in the military, running isn't actually good for you.


Lastly, outside of the general "make sure you know what you're getting into before you ship out", it looks like you're trying to max the PFT. Don't even worry if you're not there when you ship. If you're close, they'll get you there during boot. Either way, I'm 99% sure that people are going to give zero fucks what your PFT score is until you're about to get to the fleet.

Edited by Wingless
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Eat enough. Eat healthy but don't eat too little, it'll fuck you up.

And make sure that you still get SOME sugar and fat and whatnot. Your body needs that too. It's not bad when you consume it, it's just bad when you get too much of it.

idk about working out, plenty of guys to help you with that.

For the jogging just build it up, don't push yourself to get there from day one, advance a bit every day.

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Nutrition = You want to find the amount of calories you need to eat for your body weight to stay the same (i.e maintenance level). Then depending on what you want to do (bulk or lean), you eat 500 calories more or 500 calories less. You then want to break this figure down into macros. The numbers vary depending on your body type but I've seen great results from having the following split.


BW = Body Weight


Protein - 1.5x BW

Fats - 0.5x BW

Carbs - Whatever calories remain.


Proteins and carbs have 4 calories per gram. Fats have 9.


Training = There's no secret to this other than consistency. Want to do 25 pull ups? Do 30. Throwing on a weight vest will also help you tons.

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