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Severe Admin Abuse: XxSl@y3rxX AKA HG | beast702


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1. Abuser name: XxSl@y3rxX (HG | beast702)

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:6135785

3. What server: HG Jailbreak

4. About what time: Approximately 2:00 A.M. CST

5. PROOF: See attached screenshots in order:














6. Please tell us about the incident:


This is probably the 10th occasion I've watched beast come into the jailbreak server under a fake name and act like a 7 year old by abusing admin to the max.


In this case, he comes in as "XxSl@y3rxX" and slays a CT because he was running through vents chasing a T that he thought had escaped. He wasn't camping, AFK, anything to that effect; simply, he was running through vents in pursuit of rebels. Since beast is spectating, he looks ahead in free-look and sees that there aren't any T's in the vents. So, he slays the CT and starts raging in ALL chat about "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS IN VENTS?!?! DONT EVER GO IN THERE AGAIN UNLESS YOU SEE A T GO IN FIRST!!!." The guy he slayed calmy responded that there WAS a T who rebelled, and he was looking for him. It just so happened that the T was already dead. Anyone who plays jailbreak knows that we often look for rebels without knowing that the one we saw escape may already be dead.


Before I told the other admins that this was a staff member with a fake name, several of them chimed in and commented on how ridiculous his behavior was, including Micah, who was ALSO in vents with the CT that beast slayed, looking for the same exact rebel that the other CT was.


It is getting SOOOO fucking old seeing the staff member who revokes admin and punishes people on these forums everyday come into the same server that he polices and act like a child. If ANYONE EVER came into the JB server and acted like this, which they often do, beast would and often does punish them severely. Unfortunately, because he realizes he's in an administrative position, beast does whatever he wants, abuses admin everytime I see him in the server, and he knows nothing will ever be done about it.


Oh, by the way, the round after all this happened, beast nocliped himself on a warday, probably so that he could fly into admin room. This is something else he does every. single. time I see him in the server.



If you are going to enforce HG rules very strictly, I'm all for it. I like the idea of banning and revoking the powers of admins who blatantly abuse. HOWEVER, if you're going to ban and revoke admin every day on these forums, you need to follow the same, simple rules that you're enforcing in the meantime. Slaying CTs for hunting a rebel is stupid. Spamming all-chat with curse words and insults toward innocent players is stupid. No-clipping yourself to get an advantage on a warday is stupid. As I said before, these kinds of things earn people pretty hefty punishments from beast all the time, yet they're things he does himself every time he plays.


I realize that the chances of anything being done about this are very slim. Regrettably, Hells Gamers is more and more becoming a hierarchy in which nobody "guards the guards." However, after seeing this several times out of the same staff member, and realizing that other admins and members have the same impression I do, I felt it was time to write a diatribe and report the issue.


Please, please, please understand that what you are doing is giving Hells Gamers a TERRIBLE name. We all realize how bad it looks when non-staff admins abuse. It makes new and veteran patrons of the server want to leave and never come back. Think of how much WORSE it looks when a staff member in an adminstrative position acts the exact same way. If you want Hells Gamers to continue to flourish as it has done thus far, start acting as responsibly in-game as you do when you come into the forums and hand out punishments.





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So your telling me what the rules are regarding how jb works when I help out in the rule making about the cts being in vents. When it says cts are allowed in vents to pursue rebellers. https://hellsgamers.com/motds?name=jb


Also I don't use noclip to get an advantage for myself, I got guns for the terrorists on the round because they had warday in armory so falsely accusing me of that is bad on your part. On that round I probably had 1 or maybe 2 kills.


But I will wait for division council, technical council, or council for their decision.

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"So your telling me what the rules are regarding how jb works when I help out in the rule making about the cts being in vents. When it says cts are allowed in vents to pursue rebellers. https://hellsgamers.com/motds?name=jb"


They were in pursuit of rebellers. Read the attached evidence and you'll find BOTH CT's telling you that they were doing exactly that. Just because you're a spectator and can see that they aren't about to find anyone doesn't mean they aren't in pursuit of rebellers.


"Also I don't use noclip to get an advantage for myself, I got guns for the terrorists on the round because they had warday in armory so falsely accusing me of that is bad on your part. On that round I probably had 1 or maybe 2 kills."


That was not a false accusation. Re-read my remarks. I said you "probably" wanted to go to adminroom to get guns. Using noclip to get "guns for the terrorists" is exactly what I said it was: obtaining an advantage for yourself. T's almost always win wardays. They don't need staff to noclip guns for them. That's just abuse.



EDIT: I decided to check out that rules link and refresh myself. I think the rule most pertinent to this discussion is the one that reads: ADMINS MUST FOLLOW THE SAME RULES AS PLAYERS.


I think that's the one that needs some enforcement. Nobody was camping vents or armory in this scenario, as you know. Instead, two CTs were moving through vents looking for a rebelling terrorist.

Edited by BlakOut
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HG Staff, Council, and others who might be reading -


I must say that BlakOut has made some very valid claims here. I was, in fact, one of the two who went into armory and then up toward knife arena vents to look for a rebeller (who was beast but myself and the other guy didn't know that he was already dead). Beast then slayed that one guy claiming a... well... slightly skewed perception of a rule in which he could have very well thought was true.


However, in the bigger picture, there is much more than just a misunderstanding between an admin who slays someone because he thought that person was doing something wrong, and abuse.


Disregarding that particular incident entirely, there was another incident where beast straight up lost his temper (not verbally) at a guy who disrespected admins in general (fairly minor considering everything that goes on in JB) and he flat out perma-banned him. Everyone in the server was dumbfounded. Most everyone did not even know he was an admin, let alone a root admin and staff member with a widespread of power.


Knowing that this post is going to severely hurt the relationship that beast and I have, I find it rather unfortunate to have to agree with BlakOut on the issue of beast coming into the server with a hidden name, and seemingly, hidden motives to seek out ways to punish those not following the rules. I do not know what HG's policy is on hiding ones appearance, however, I was root admin for a time on another server and we obviously were never confronted because we were the technical council, as it were.


Regardless of whether or not any of the above observations are a problem, I can unreservedly agree with BlakOut's claims that beast does, in fact, abuse his powers upon playing in JB. I, too, understand completely if nothing is done about it, but since my name came up in the claim, I thought I would at least give my insight into the situation.



Beast - If I may, at the very least, ask you to re-evaluate your strategies in the server. When JJK, BonBon, or other roots utilize their powers, they do not at the expense of other players and cause the server to collapse, essentially, with fear and wonder on why/how someone has just been perma-banned for simply saying "fuck you admin". I am an admin on HG JB and I consider myself fair and precise most of the time (there are always times we will each screw up); and I have been told "fuck you admin" and have NEVER perma-banned someone for that. There needs to be warning, kick, ban procedure that is carried out.


Again, I really think that you should re-evaluate the way that you utilize the power that has been given to you.



That is my insight and I want to thank you guys all for your hard work on these servers. I enjoy my time in HG.






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This is probably the 10th occasion I've watched beast come into the jailbreak server under a fake name and act like a 7 year old by abusing admin to the max.


In this case, he comes in as "XxSl@y3rxX" and slays a CT because he was running through vents chasing a T that he thought had escaped. He wasn't camping, AFK, anything to that effect; simply, he was running through vents in pursuit of rebels. Since beast is spectating, he looks ahead in free-look and sees that there aren't any T's in the vents. So, he slays the CT and starts raging in ALL chat about "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS IN VENTS?!?! DONT EVER GO IN THERE AGAIN UNLESS YOU SEE A T GO IN FIRST!!!." The guy he slayed calmy responded that there WAS a T who rebelled, and he was looking for him. It just so happened that the T was already dead. Anyone who plays jailbreak knows that we often look for rebels without knowing that the one we saw escape may already be dead.

Twas a mistake although I do not believe it is professional for a Leader (NOT STAFF MEMBER) to use @say in this manner. Regardless a mistake is a mistake.

Before I told the other admins that this was a staff member with a fake name, several of them chimed in and commented on how ridiculous his behavior was, including Micah, who was ALSO in vents with the CT that beast slayed, looking for the same exact rebel that the other CT was.

Agreed although there needs to be some professionalism involved in the work as a leader. It is a mistake. People are welcome to have their opinion however, it is IRRELEVANT to the discussion. Personally, I don't care for the opinions if it is irrelevant to our discussion. Facts speak harder.

It is getting SOOOO fucking old seeing the staff member who revokes admin and punishes people on these forums everyday come into the same server that he polices and act like a child. If ANYONE EVER came into the JB server and acted like this, which they often do, beast would and often does punish them severely. Unfortunately, because he realizes he's in an administrative position, beast does whatever he wants, abuses admin everytime I see him in the server, and he knows nothing will ever be done about it.


Leaders are subject to the same rules, although they have been granted some extra trust to do so. There's no need for name calling or ad hominem attacks. There's also no need to speculate what his intentions are. That's our job and not yours.


As well, in regards to the 'nothing will be done', something will be done. This behaviour is not professional and needs to be investigated further. Your patience is appreciated.

Oh, by the way, the round after all this happened, beast nocliped himself on a warday, probably so that he could fly into admin room. This is something else he does every. single. time I see him in the server.


We give Leaders+ certain rights and functions, this was one of them. If it is causing extensive problems as you profoundly describe, it may need to be subject to reconsideration of whether it is acceptable to use it.


I've been able to noclip and not many people have said anything of extreme disagreement. If that's the case, we can reconsider it.

If you are going to enforce HG rules very strictly, I'm all for it. I like the idea of banning and revoking the powers of admins who blatantly abuse. HOWEVER, if you're going to ban and revoke admin every day on these forums, you need to follow the same, simple rules that you're enforcing in the meantime. Slaying CTs for hunting a rebel is stupid. Spamming all-chat with curse words and insults toward innocent players is stupid. No-clipping yourself to get an advantage on a warday is stupid. As I said before, these kinds of things earn people pretty hefty punishments from beast all the time, yet they're things he does himself every time he plays.


We'll look further into this. This is not for you to decide or judge.

I realize that the chances of anything being done about this are very slim. Regrettably, Hells Gamers is more and more becoming a hierarchy in which nobody "guards the guards." However, after seeing this several times out of the same staff member, and realizing that other admins and members have the same impression I do, I felt it was time to write a diatribe and report the issue.


Please, please, please understand that what you are doing is giving Hells Gamers a TERRIBLE name. We all realize how bad it looks when non-staff admins abuse. It makes new and veteran patrons of the server want to leave and never come back. Think of how much WORSE it looks when a staff member in an adminstrative position acts the exact same way. If you want Hells Gamers to continue to flourish as it has done thus far, start acting as responsibly in-game as you do when you come into the forums and hand out punishments.






Agreed, professionalism is required most of the time.


For the both of you,


Blakout, you need to chill out. Although I understand your frustrations, there is no necessity to resort to belittling, ad hominem attacks and jumping to conclusions.


Beast, this behaviour (@say) is unnecessary.

I will speak with DC+ about reconsidering the usage of noclip for Leaders.

Although there isn't an administrative use for it, it is fun and as long as it doesn't disrupt the majority's gameplay I have no problem seeing it used. Personally I think this entire noclip business is overconvulated as it is.


We will examine this issue in more detail however for the time being, can we get people to chill out from both sides?

Edited by enigma#
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I have never seen beast abuse no clip for an advantage, just so days are not working out doesnt mean its a abuse, and if he had give noclip to all ts then its a advantage.


Cell openers were going on so all ts were rebelling and some new cts were camping and i have warned them to not to camp but still they did, and some of them did get an excuse to get into vents saying going for rebels.


To micah about that guy getting banned for disrespect i would have done same he did gave false orders which lead to so many ts death, and he was warned to slay himself 5-6 times instead he didnt he acted all douche, and by his ban history he has few bans for douchebeggary so he deserved it.


Permission to post by enigma.

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Twas a mistake although I do not believe it is professional for a Leader (NOT STAFF MEMBER) to use @say in this manner. Regardless a mistake is a mistake.


To be honest, I don't think anything about the incident was a mistake or misunderstanding. Two players, one an admin, went into vents chasing after a terrorist (beast). Neither realized beast was already dead, but beast did, so he decides to slay them for running through vents without being certain that a living terrorist was actually in there then goes into ALL chat and berates the guys he just slayed. Additionally, this is not the first, second, third or fourth time I've seen beast do this kind of stuff. It's more like the 8th or 10th. I've never submitted a report on him in the past and I think everyone knows why.


After submitting this one, I got about 4-5 STEAM messages from HG members to the effect of "Oh, man. Why the hell did you do that? It's really stupid to report a staff member. Now all the high-ups are gonna look down on you. You really shouldn't have reported him." I think it's sad to realize that many HG members are positively scared of higher-ranking members as if they're older, more mature or more educated human beings. Being in an administrative position in a gaming community is fine and I appreciate the work that ours do, but I definitely think it's a good idea to maintain checks and balances, even among higher-ranking members than myself.


As far as I know, there hasn't been any indication that this was a mistake. When he replied, Beast defended his actions.

I have never seen beast abuse no clip for an advantage, just so days are not working out doesnt mean its a abuse, and if he had give noclip to all ts then its a advantage.


Cell openers were going on so all ts were rebelling and some new cts were camping and i have warned them to not to camp but still they did, and some of them did get an excuse to get into vents saying going for rebels.


To micah about that guy getting banned for disrespect i would have done same he did gave false orders which lead to so many ts death, and he was warned to slay himself 5-6 times instead he didnt he acted all douche, and by his ban history he has few bans for douchebeggary so he deserved it.


Permission to post by enigma.


Regarding RedDevil's comments, I would just like to point out that a permenant ban is a punishment that is reserved for the most severe infractions (like obvious hacking or attempting to compromise an HG server) and is never, ever, ever warranted for this kind of situation. Assuming the guy did give false orders, caused T's to die, and was warned to slay himself 5-6 times as you say....assuming all of that is true, it's still the 100% wrong thing to do in the situation. There are many admin functions in place for these kinds of infractions: warn, slay, temp. lock, t-list, etc.


If the problem was that the guy wouldn't slay himself after 5-6 instructions to do so, why wouldn't you just slay him yourself? If he is being an irresponsible CT, why wouldn't you force him to play T for awhile? If he's being disrespectful to admins by saying "fuck you admin," why wouldn't you follow the mandated protocol that we have (warn-kick-temp.ban, etc.)?


So if you would do the same thing that beast did, you should reconsider your methods also. I wanted to include this perm. ban in my original report, but I closed CSS without obtaining proof so I couldn't. It's just another example of beast abusing power and completely bypassing the protocol that we have in place. He skips warn and kick and jumps straight to perma. ban for saying "fuck you admin."



Secondly, beast uses noclip all the time in the server. Everytime I've been in JB at the same time as Beast, he has used noclip. Usually, it's after he dies. He will revive himself, then noclip, then fly over to the CTs who killed him and say "sup nerds" in chat. I've seen him do this at least half a dozen times. I am not saying this ruins the server or pisses everyone off. I'm saying it's unnecessary use of admin powers.


On this occassion, he did it to get guns for his team on a warday. Again, unnecessary use of power. Terrorists don't need help getting guns on wardays. They win 99% of all wardays as it is. Using noclip to get the terrorist team guns is absolutely, positively using admin powers to gain an advantage for you and your team and is a prime example of abuse in my opinion.

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Leaders may pursue a different course of action because they are entrusted in a different manner. You may dissent if you wish, but the judgements you've passed by what you said may not be considered valid.

As well, Unnecessary =\= not allowed =\= abuse

I will look further into this


Although you're entitled to your opinion, DC+ has the final say. We will consult you should it be deemed necessary.

Edited by enigma#
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In regards to this thread, it has been resolved with Beast.


He admits wrongdoing on the @say and will not use it unprofessionally


Because there isn't proof that substantiates abuse of the command slay.


These are dismissed. However he is warned not to utilise slay unless completely necessary


The usage of noclip has been granted to leaders for mostly fun, they can use it AS long as they do not disrupt the majority of the users and gameplay. This can be easily determined by whether we are getting complaints directly when on the server. People should speak up if they disagree with something but not be assholes about it.


Furthermore, any future unprofessional behaviour will lead to significant serious consequences for beast.


Reviewed and closed.


In closing


Blakout, you need to chill and stop freaking out by every time something doesn't go your way.

Jailbreak 'should' be fun and should only be taken lightly. Rules are still in place but there doesn't need to be so much personal nitpickery of them.


Beast, please remain professional especially in the course of using admin actions. Please do not use @say like that ever again.

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