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oh shnap!


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this pisses me off to be honest. I can understand the routine of a drug raid is probably a high-stress situation with little to no room for error or compromise, but letting the daughter sit in the room alone crying is a bit too far.

Also the fact that even after the fact they weren't humble when they visited afterwards, is just awful. They should have went in there on their knees after such a mistake and offered more than just reimbursement for a fucking door...

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I was driving down that street when they made us do a detour..thought nothing of it, cause Fitchburg's streets are complete utter shit and they do a lot of road work there, especially now since it hasn't snowed in months. That was on the news the next day.


That city is the city right next to mine.

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Obviously a chainsaw was the only choice...Let me ask you, if you saw a chainsaw rip through your door wouldn't you surrender?


On a more serious note the reason they didn't let her in the room with her child was because, more recently, criminals have hidden weapons inside their children's cribs (Shotguns, ect.) that they would then use against police.


@Slowpoke Your just jelly that deadly force in England translates to a strongly worded letter... #amurica

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@Slowpoke Your just jelly that deadly force in England translates to a strongly worded letter... #amurica



I dont even understand you, you're* that American.


fixed for you sir. speak English better than us 'murikhans if you wish to insult us about our english sir.


on topic: i will be chainsawing through doors to enter rooms from now on. it will be the only way.

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