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Kony 2012


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Once again, they are still doing something which is better than doing nothing. Regardless of where the money is going, this is still spreading awareness about the problems that Africa is currently facing.


IC supports the Ugandan army - the Ugandan army has been accused (and found guilty) of many of the same practices of the LRA. So it does matter where the money is going...

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ill just put this here http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com/post/18890947431/we-got-trouble


i did invisible children, i did the 30 hour famine. I also help run a non-profit. Guess what i dont get paid! Its non profit! People of kony are making millions making movies and becoming famous. Dont support bullshit, do it on your own if you really want to do something for this world.


As well as the support and army who rapes and pillages just like the guy they are trying to kill........


repostan my stuff thats a paddlin

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(Jake's image)


I just want to point out the unlikelihood that Gen Dempsey and Petraeus would have ever been in the same room having this conversation, between Petraeus' time served as CENTCOM commander and ISAF commander, and Dempsey's time in TRADOC and CENTCOM. It may seem a little nitpicky, but...

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I just want to point out the unlikelihood that Gen Dempsey and Petraeus would have ever been in the same room having this conversation, between Petraeus' time served as CENTCOM commander and ISAF commander, and Dempsey's time in TRADOC and CENTCOM. It may seem a little nitpicky, but...


stop being intelligent fa****!

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IC supports the Ugandan army - the Ugandan army has been accused (and found guilty) of many of the same practices of the LRA. So it does matter where the money is going...


I didn't say it doesn't matter where the money is going, i said regardless of where the money is going, what they are doing is still spreading awareness to privileged countries such as our own about the terrible things that happen in Africa. Since awareness is spreading and people are starting to care, more solutions will be sought out for said problems.

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This is fucking stupid, 1 star thread. Please do research on the issue and not watch a 30 minute video on youtube then spread this shit on facebook.


Although you're being an ignorant fuckstick, the internet is filled with ignorant fucksticks, so I doubt anyone will notice how much of an ignorant fuckstick you really are. Instead, the ignorant fucksticks will probably just agree with the first ignorant fuckstick they find because for some reason, ignorant fucksticks seem to think that other ignorant fucksticks can read the minds of those who are not ignorant fucksticks and somehow magically discover their intensions through their magical, ignorant fuckstick powers.


You ignorant fuckstick

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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My point, which some of you have wrong because you think you can read my mind, is to spread awareness of these problems through whatever means possible. Since this Kony 2012 thing is blowing up, I figured to post that because then people will actually wake the fuck up and possibly find ways to help out with these problems instead of worrying about their first world problems.


I'll take my infractions now

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I didn't say it doesn't matter where the money is going, i said regardless of where the money is going, what they are doing is still spreading awareness to privileged countries such as our own about the terrible things that happen in Africa. Since awareness is spreading and people are starting to care, more solutions will be sought out for said problems.


The problem is that the method they disseminated the information inately creates a group of people who care just enough about the subject to +1 or re-share the video, and do nothing more. Those that do go slightly further aren't going to be smart enough to look into where they're putting their money, and in the end, their efforts are marginal at best. The exceptions will probably end up giving money to a reputable charity and raise awareness for THEM.


I'm not saying that people shouldn't care, I'm just saying that there are a number of factors from this campaign that suck ass. Convexly, I'm not on board with anything that actively HELPS the Ugandan government and military as they currently stand. I have enough personal struggle picking the lesser evil during election time.

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The problem is that the method they disseminated the information inately creates a group of people who care just enough about the subject to +1 or re-share the video, and do nothing more. Those that do go slightly further aren't going to be smart enough to look into where they're putting their money, and in the end, their efforts are marginal at best. The exceptions will probably end up giving money to a reputable charity and raise awareness for THEM.


I'm not saying that people shouldn't care, I'm just saying that there are a number of factors from this campaign that suck ass. Convexly, I'm not on board with anything that actively HELPS the Ugandan government and military as they currently stand. I have enough personal struggle picking the lesser evil during election time.


The post directly above yours explains my true intentions. You have a very good point, but if I were to try and spread awareness without posting a video that manipulates human emotion, our narcissistic society wouldn't care to pay any attention to it.

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The post directly above yours explains my true intentions. You have a very good point, but if I were to try and spread awareness without posting a video that manipulates human emotion, our narcissistic society wouldn't care to pay any attention to it.


Eh. Apparently I have no soul, because I still don't feel an overwhelming need to contribute, even after the video. Africa has been a warzone as far as history goes. How anyone thought any different for 2012 is beyond me. So quick we are to forget the current state of affairs; even those in our own country.


It seems like a lot of people want government interdiction. Unfortunately, we can't afford the two engagements that we're involved in now, let alone a third front. The military is shrinking in a hurry. There is zero incentive to stay in, other than just staying in. That brings up enough concern about rotations to the 'Stan without even considering having a stronger AFRICOM presence.


I mean, unless people actually want someone to pull a wet job, and then they're not any better than he is.

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Faithless I have a question for you since you seem so dedicated to this movement. Are you actually doing anything to help other than spread the word? Are you signing up for the peace corps or something like that to provide aid to these children? Are you donating to the red cross? If not, do you understand how ridiculous you are being arguing with Wingless about this? You are essentially proving his point. Everyone has the idea that they can pass this on to everyone they know in the hopes they will do something about it but doesn't do anything themselves, it's not getting anything done.


Everyone knows Africa is a warzone, and guess what? They don't care. Everyone may seem like they care re-posting this "emotionally moving" video, but they'll forget about it in a few weeks.

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Faithless I have a question for you since you seem so dedicated to this movement. Are you actually doing anything to help other than spread the word? Are you signing up for the peace corps or something like that to provide aid to these children? Are you donating to the red cross? If not, do you understand how ridiculous you are being arguing with Wingless about this? You are essentially proving his point. Everyone has the idea that they can pass this on to everyone they know in the hopes they will do something about it but doesn't do anything themselves, it's not getting anything done.


Everyone knows Africa is a warzone, and guess what? They don't care. Everyone may seem like they care re-posting this "emotionally moving" video, but they'll forget about it in a few weeks.


My friends and I actively donate to the red cross and are planning a trip to Africa after college. One of my buddies is going to move there permanently after he finishes his last semester. Wingless and I weren't arguing, we were just discussing the situation

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What Wingless said. Africa has been a god dam warzone for a very LONG time. The best you can do is give support first hand medically. A first world solution to a third world problem is exactly what you're spreading with awareness of this new campaign, "throw money at it till it goes away." Now that is not what I say you are doing, but that is what the majority of people are going to do. The majority of the country is filled with idiots, and half of that are beyond idiots. George Carlin said something along those lines I believe.

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The whole point is to raise awareness for the issue, that is what they were primarily asking, just to raise awareness. I agree with faithless 100%. I also actively donate to the red cross, and however bad our own promblems are in our country, they are nowhere near as bad as in third world countries such as Africa.

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I've donated a lot of money to charity before, mainly St. Judes Hospital and several other cancer related charities, and a few non-cancer related ones, but I refuse to go near Invisible Children. Most of the money you donate goes to the charity's employees, and frankly, it's disgusting. They are worse than Kony in a way.

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