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Kony 2012


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It's something that's truly touching, you should really watch the video. The unspeakable acts that this man is commiting is morally wrong and should be addressed, even if it has nothing to do with American safety and Foreign Policy. The video is inspirational from the start to the very end, If a young child can understand the message this guy is trying to address and believes in it, then why shouldn't we? Have the American people lost touch completely with our moral values so that we don't concern ourselves with the problems of the rest of the world? I will be attending in New Orleans, and i plan to do it big, and i would encourage everyone i know to do the same. These unspeakable acts are something i wouldn't wish on the worst of my enemies, but that's just me.

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Sorry to be the Debbie Downer here but before throwing your money at anything you should check the group out and try to gather as much information as possible then make your decision.



Kony hasn't been active since 2006. Not saying its a bad charity....just do your homework and make sure you know where you're money is going.
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This whole Kony 2012 thing will only get as big as politicians want it to until they decide enough is enough and propose to increase taxes or what have you. Then you'll see all the so called "supporters" stop giving a shit about Kony and focusing more on American shit. The sad truth. This is nothing new though...

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I was briefly aboard the Kony 2012 wagon, but then I looked at things that weren't that video and realized I was being silly. If you want to give money to an organization, please please do a bit of research. I wouldn't give IC a dime tbh. It is a sketchy organization =\


Also, throwing money at Uganda won't solve anything, sooooo...

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I was briefly aboard the Kony 2012 wagon, but then I looked at things that weren't that video and realized I was being silly. If you want to give money to an organization, please please do a bit of research. I wouldn't give IC a dime tbh. It is a sketchy organization =\


Also, throwing money at Uganda won't solve anything, sooooo...


This, IC doesnt have the best track record. there are many more organizations that actually have workers in africa trying to help, whether it be building homes for ex child soldiers...etc

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Weeman got me on that one.


There's a problem with American Sheeplism, and that is mostly in what are called "informational cues." People simply are not informed about things. Social issues, global issues (such as Kony), or policy opinions. They thus rely on informational cues from people seen as trustworthy to come to what they consider as "informed" decisions. However, this means that WHOEVER controls the cues, can control what you "know." If an organization is very good at using proper informational cues timely and effectively, it can sway the opinions or capture the attention of MANY Americans (Canadians, and w.e the rest of you are) who are simply not informed enough to decide on their own.


Yes what Kony has done is wrong. But he hasn't shown up in years, why? Because for the most part he stopped (or at least lowered his activity enough to go relatively unnoticed). I talked with my dad (FBI agent) yesterday and he says that they have stopped actively searching for Kony since 2008. Yeah Kony is a dick and what he's done is a crime against humanity. You know what else is?


  1. Thai Prostitution Circles
  2. Korean Nuclear Arms Brinksmanship
  3. Chinese Civil Oppression
  4. Israeli Mistreatment Under the Name of Religion
  5. Institutionalized Starvation in the Balkan States
  6. Continuous Global Civil Unrest
  7. The Indecisiveness of the U.S. Congress


And I guarantee half of these impact you more than what Kony did half a decade ago. If you watched a well-constructed video about the issues, I bet ALL OF THEM would. Point is, I don't knock the man and his work, I think he's done a great thing for the people of Uganda. HE HAS... HEEEEEEEEEE HAS! Getting people aware of an issue years resolved and after the fact does nothing for me but show that American Sheeplism is still very present today.

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Weeman got me on that one.


There's a problem with American Sheeplism, and that is mostly in what are called "informational cues." People simply are not informed about things. Social issues, global issues (such as Kony), or policy opinions. They thus rely on informational cues from people seen as trustworthy to come to what they consider as "informed" decisions. However, this means that WHOEVER controls the cues, can control what you "know." If an organization is very good at using proper informational cues timely and effectively, it can sway the opinions or capture the attention of MANY Americans (Canadians, and w.e the rest of you are) who are simply not informed enough to decide on their own.


Yes what Kony has done is wrong. But he hasn't shown up in years, why? Because for the most part he stopped (or at least lowered his activity enough to go relatively unnoticed). I talked with my dad (FBI agent) yesterday and he says that they have stopped actively searching for Kony since 2008. Yeah Kony is a dick and what he's done is a crime against humanity. You know what else is?


  1. Thai Prostitution Circles
  2. Korean Nuclear Arms Brinksmanship
  3. Chinese Civil Oppression
  4. Israeli Mistreatment Under the Name of Religion
  5. Institutionalized Starvation in the Balkan States
  6. Continuous Global Civil Unrest
  7. The Indecisiveness of the U.S. Congress


And I guarantee half of these impact you more than what Kony did half a decade ago. If you watched a well-constructed video about the issues, I bet ALL OF THEM would. Point is, I don't knock the man and his work, I think he's done a great thing for the people of Uganda. HE HAS... HEEEEEEEEEE HAS! Getting people aware of an issue years resolved and after the fact does nothing for me but show that American Sheeplism is still very present today.



If you're cereal about your dad being a FBI agent can you please pass onto him to ask around for a man that inquired about me that i'm interested in the offer. Dead serious an agent from the FBI approached my parents and told them that when I get older and I wanted a job to "get in contact." My mom threw the guys name away and only told me recently. But those guys keep track of everything.

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It is known that the Kony 2012 group is putting their money to places or than just towards the capture of Joseph Kony. That isn't the point, there are things you can do other than monetary support. This is the only group that has gotten this popular with the younger generation that is geared toward aiding children in Africa. If the word can simply be spread about Kony, more people will realize what is going on in Africa, and more ways to help will develop.


As stated in the video, the US sent in troops to Uganda and its neighboring countries in 2011, there are also accusations of the Ugandan army raping and looting themselves. However, with the US army in place, and if more troops are sent over, do you really think any of that is going to fly? EVEN IF IT IS TRUE, not that I support it, but it is absolutely the lesser of 2 evils for these children. In this case, doing something is better than doing nothing

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If you're cereal about your dad being a FBI agent can you please pass onto him to ask around for a man that inquired about me that i'm interested in the offer. Dead serious an agent from the FBI approached my parents and told them that when I get older and I wanted a job to "get in contact." My mom threw the guys name away and only told me recently. But those guys keep track of everything.

Wasnt the fbi. Your being recruited to star in men in black 3. Your taking will smiths place

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Once again, they are still doing something which is better than doing nothing. Regardless of where the money is going, this is still spreading awareness about the problems that Africa is currently facing.


Right now there are a LOT of places in the world facing problems, including our own country. We face the realization that our election process is a joke, a war in Iran, an aggressive China, and that our Economy is in shambles. We've been at war for around 11 years now. As much as I would like to help everyone around the world I find this whole scenario to be a big distraction.

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Right now there are a LOT of places in the world facing problems, including our own country. We face the realization that our election process is a joke, a war in Iran, an aggressive China, and that our Economy is in shambles. We've been at war for around 11 years now. As much as I would like to help everyone around the world I find this whole scenario to be a big distraction.


Yes I think we need to worry about our own problems before we try to fix others' problems.

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Ill just put this here http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com/post/18890947431/we-got-trouble


I did invisible children, I did the 30 hour famine. I also help run a non-profit. GUESS WHAT I DONT GET PAID! ITS NON PROFIT! PEOPLE OF KONY ARE MAKING MILLIONS MAKING MOVIES AND BECOMING FAMOUS. Dont support bullshit, do it on your own if you really want to do something for this world.


As well as the support and army who rapes and pillages just like the guy they are trying to kill........

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