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Bigjohn PimpMcnast not following rules when Divisonal Leader

Green Duck

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Sorry got no proof cuz no FRAPS but please hear me out,


i was in the general store, and i decided to shoot at the NPC so i could lvl my pistol marksmanship to lvl 6 to unlock shotty ( i was REALLY CLOSE) he comes in the store, walks to the other NPC and randomly pulls out a shotgun and kills me, i was aiming the other way from him, i got revived by an admin, then i Bigjohn kept lying saying he was just buying his stuff and not doing anything wrong, at that time there was about 3 people in the store, i kept on telling Bigjohn that he RDMed me and is a fail divisional leader if he doesnt follow rules. His response was shooting me again with his shotgun and killing me, AGAIN, randomly, the people inside the store acted as if they saw nothing and left, i kept on calling him a fail admin in OOC as i was unconcious, and then i got kicked,i wasnt spamming the OOC or anything liek taht either. And it really makes me mad when i can record scum like that shitbag and get him banned for admin abuse :omgimmad:

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Well basically you just admitted to everything u did wrong. But like i said i didn't shoot u a fellow person of my gang did cause u were illegally leveling up which is not allowed in our server and when i told u i didn't u proceeded to talk shit to me and act like u don't have to have respect or have to follow any of the rules we have. I will leave to the other DL of this division to act upon this in the proper manners. But for fyi when u are doing something wrong and u get punished for it you shouldn't cry bout things instead play the game and follow the rules. Thanks


And please follow the template we have it in place for a reason.

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your story sounded good untill you started calling bigjohn names and admitting to talking shit on admins in public


on the other hand -


Im pretty sure rulebreakers are to be punished with admin powers - or to be reported on forums


not killed with a gun.

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His response was shooting me again with his shotgun and killing me, AGAIN, randomly, the people inside the store acted as if they saw nothing and left, i kept on calling him a fail admin in OOC as i was unconcious, and then i got kicked,i wasnt spamming the OOC or anything liek taht either. And it really makes me mad when i can record scum like that shitbag and get him banned for admin abuse :omgimmad:



i shot u for disrespecting me when i was busy. and what was reason for gettn kicked and than u come to forums with this statement not even sure how u are still a recruit.

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Alright i admit i was wrong, but you should have told me that leveling up skills like that was illegal, i had no idea it was and wouldn't have done so if i knew, killing a person without even explaining why is not the way admins are supposed to act. And where did it ever say that you are not allowed to shoot NPC's to level up your skill?

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it was in f1 rules list but its down right now when its fixed unless someone deleted that part i will take ss and show u cause supposedly if u shoot npc's they can break and crash server if im wrong i apologize but still no reason to disrespect and meta game.

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  • Executive Council

Shooting the NPC won't do anything to the server. It also does not help you level your guns.


Bigjohn, if someone is breaking server rules use your admin, not your shotgun.


Green Duck, if you go around shooting at things people can misinterpret it as a threat. Which means that they might kill you for it. I mean I certainly wouldn't want to be near a person just randomly popping off rounds into a NPC. And as I said before, shooting the NPC does not, in any way, help you level your skills. You also should be respectful to people in the server. You aren't going to win a fight against an admin in-game. Get a demo then come here and post it if an admin is doing something wrong.


Anyway, without further proof this will go no where.



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