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Crouching in vents


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The only time i enforce the spam crouching to see through vents is during wardays in armory vents, because seeing them coming is just too big of an advantage, don't get me wrong if i notice someone doing it at any time i will say something, it's just not something i keep an eye out for.

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Ok, well seeing that it IS NOT ALLOWED. I do believe that it should be included in MOTD if it isn't already and to spread the word that it isn't allowed. Had an incident today were there was a war-day in armory vents and i told people it isn't allowed but it was it 18-1 so i backed off. Thanks for clearing this up.

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Ok, well seeing that is NOT ALLOWED. I do believe that it should be included in MOTD if it isn't already and to spread the word that it isn't allowed. Had an incident today were there was a war-day in armory vents and i told people it isn't allowed but it was it 18-1 so i backed off. Thanks for clearing this up.

It's glitching, which I believe is already in the motd. Should never be allowed no matter how many people.

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