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PERP Mayor Guide


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PERP 3.0 Mayor Guide


This will be a guide about PERP 3.0 position as Mayor. This guide will cover the following:


1 - How to be an effective Mayor

2 - What allows you to kill the Mayor

3 - How to RP a Mayor Hostage



How to be an effective Mayor(tl;dr incoming) -


There are many ways to be an effective mayor. Keeping the people happy, yet keeping the budget up are both difficult things. Don't set taxes too high right off the bat. Keeping it low will of course keep people happy. If the funds for your city are slipping, you can always inform people of a slight increase on taxes for a short period of time. Some people will understand this. Some people will want you dead unless taxes are 0% You will always be hated by some asshole so get used to it. Make sure to roleplay as much as possible with the mayor. Things will go smoother that way. Set fair laws! Feeling generous? Host an event for the city with a cash prize! Racing, boxing arena, car show, etc. Be creative. If you do your job effectively, it will lower the chance you get murdered.



Mayor Killing -


Killing the mayor seems to be getting out of hand recently. This list will explain what you can and can't kill the mayor for. This list will also bring new rules on killing the mayor. This will stop people forcing the mayor to keep changing his laws every 2 minutes.



Cans -


Can Number 1: Mayor is doing nothing to help his city. Not demoting ineffective government employees. Not setting laws. Not even talking. You must give warning in /advert chat in order for him to take the hint. Give him a few paydays to straighten up.


Can Number 2: Mayor refuses to change taxes. After making a demand to lower taxes, you need to wait a few paydays. 3-5 paydays is a decent number. This is when it is okay to kill the Mayor.


Can Number 3: If you get fired as a Government Employee. Some people can become disgruntled about a fire and may take revenge on the Mayor for it. NLR APPLIES!!! If you are killed as the Citizen, you can no longer kill the Mayor as you have a new life. This doesn't require a warning.


Can Number 4: Mayor refuses to pay ransom fee. You take him hostage and he doesn't pay to keep his life. Simple as that. (See RP Mayor Hostage for more info)



Can'ts -


Can't Number 1: You can't ask the mayor to lower taxes when they're between 5% - 10% The reason we are adding this is to many times I see people asking the mayor to change the taxes after he has already been threatened to change them. That gives the other guy the go ahead to kill him since his taxes weren't honored. This will stop it.


Can't Number 2: Jobs. Forcing the mayor to add jobs is a paradox if you think about it. Don't kill the Mayor for job increase/decrease.


Can't Number 3: "Because you feel like it" Just encase stupid people don't have common sense.


Can't Number 4: Mayor pays his hostage price. Don't be an asshole. If he pays you, let him live and go about your business. (See RP Mayor Hostage for more info)



Roleplaying A Mayor Hostage -


Maybe you don't want to kill the Mayor. Maybe you wan't to make some cash. Well instead of murdering that old man, you can take him hostage! Follow this basic guide on how to roleplay a Hostage Negotiation.


Step 1: Secure The Mayor. You need to get to the mayor first off. If you do intend to take the Mayor hostage, you can kill any uniformed government employee protecting him. (SWAT, Secret Service, Police)


Step 2: Keeping the Mayor in line. Your goal is to keep him from running. You can use the /me command in chat to tie him up and taking away his radio so he cannot call for backup. You are allowed to lay down some rules that if he tries to run, you will kill him.


Step 3: Making your demands. Tell him what you want. Money or the taxes being lowered are good key things. When asking for money, realize that unrealistic money amounts are not tolerated. The most you can ask for a Mayor is $3,000. Sometimes asking for less is better because it might be more successful. Mayor robbing is a form of NLR it self. You cannot rob the Mayor constantly, so give it a long time before you go at it again. You may rob in groups but anyone who participated may not rob again for awhile.


Step 4: Getting the hell out of there. GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!


That's basically it. Don't suck as Mayor please.


PLEASE NOTE:Not all Divisional Leaders have been informed with this. So rules MIGHT change in favor of all of the DL's being happy. Only reason it's out now is to set the ground rules. Thanks.

Edited by SuperSkreech
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Can Number 3: If you get fired as a Government Employee. Some people can become disgruntled about a fire and may take revenge on the Mayor for it. NLR APPLIES!!! If you are killed as the Citizen, you can no longer kill the Mayor as you have a new life. This doesn't require a warning.


I dont like the bolded part. It seems far too easy to RDM the mayor under the guise of 'you demoted me'

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Can Number 3: If you get fired as a Government Employee. Some people can become disgruntled about a fire and may take revenge on the Mayor for it. NLR APPLIES!!! If you are killed as the Citizen, you can no longer kill the Mayor as you have a new life. This doesn't require a warning.


Well i don't like this one, what if the player was demoted/fired for a legit reason? i.e for not doing the job properly/job abuse then they can freely take revenge on the mayor for every demote given

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The reason for Can number 3 requiring no warning is it makes it to easy for the mayor. If he receives a warning, that's saying to put a warrant on him and refuse him the chance at revenge. Understand? And as for the RDMing when they werent demoted, we will have to keep an eye out for it.

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Let's say I'm being a crappy cop, driving down the road I finally get demoted after being warned 3 times, my car disappearing kills me, and it's a weird glitch where NOBODY can see me, so I end up bleeding out, since this is kind of a glitch death does NLR still applies?

just dont be a shit cop and it wont matter....

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just dont be a shit cop and it wont matter....


Not what he was asking.


Let's say I'm being a crappy cop, driving down the road I finally get demoted after being warned 3 times, my car disappearing kills me, and it's a weird glitch where NOBODY can see me, so I end up bleeding out, since this is kind of a glitch death does NLR still applies?


In any case that you died, even slayed by an admin, NLR still applies. Not sure why posted this in the Mayor section.

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