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Hello, I was playing a normal afternoon of mini games, I play HG all the time I know the rules, But today me and a couple of my friends decided to make a steam group, so I recruited anybody that wanted to join, and we got quite a few people we were just having fun, and then an admin said "No recruiting in here" so we i stopped recruiting members, and i took that as a warning shortly after that without recruiting anyone else, I was banned, which was unnecessary I stopped recruiting, and I'm also aware that the recruiting rules are not clear to some, By recruiting i thought it meant don't recruit for servers or clans, We just made a steam group, so i would like to know how far the recruiting goes to because lots of groups are made on that server just for fun. I would like to apologize if it was true that I have broken a server rule, but the warning was clear to me and I think The ban was unnecessary. And if I did break the recruiting rule I would like to know why making a simple steam group is not aloud, we will still play on HG servers o.o

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1. Your in-game name: [A7X] Jedi Jimmy #FuckTheGov

2. Server that you were banned on: Minigames

3. The Banning admin: Hoplite

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:43625675

5. Reason for ban: Recruitment for a steam group

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