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Server Shut Down


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once I get a job and start actually getting money I will be happy to donate as much as I can.


Im so with you on that, whatever money doesn't go to car payment, insurance, and food at the end of the month, ill probably donate. Just need to find a job first =\. Damn grocery stores!!

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I think some of you missed DJs post. Taking away empty slots on servers and shutting down empty servers won't help. If it comes down to it, we will be shutting down a populated server. Those are what take up bandwidth. Right now, last time I looked, we were pushing 1.5 TB of overages. We bought an emergency 1 TB for about 100 bucks at the beginning of the month, but then our projected overages skyrocketed, and that 500 gb costs 25 cents per gb. And the bandwidth is only going to increase as summer rolls around and our servers fill up more.


I saw his post.

So why not reduce the slots on like the deathmatch and NTF servers.

All because it can be populated to 100 slots, doesn't mean it has to. Dust2 DM will survive just as well with 30 playable slots. But again, we don't know the problem servers.


I bet TF2 is the monster. (gg terry and dirty) :)

We didn't start hearing about these overages until TF2 was included.


If you don't help anyone understand what servers are the cause, then they won't donate until its taken down.

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I say start posting on Dust2 DM a huge note everynow and then of saying about *donate to help the servers stay up* somthing along those lines. Dust to is one of the most heavily populated servers far as i seen. That's were i mostly play at. And the regulars i doubt want it to shut down. So maybe if it may be noted on Dust2DM so that ppl may see that it might get shut down they might want to donate to help more often. The only thing i see comeing up is donate at http://www.hellsgamers.com. we should have more of a note then just that IMO. Just trying to help. I'm sure others feel as the same as me.

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I say start posting on Dust2 DM a huge note everynow and then of saying about *donate to help the servers stay up* somthing along those lines. Dust to is one of the most heavily populated servers far as i seen. That's were i mostly play at. And the regulars i doubt want it to shut down. So maybe if it may be noted on Dust2DM so that ppl may see that it might get shut down they might want to donate to help more often. The only thing i see comeing up is donate at http://www.hellsgamers.com. we should have more of a note then just that IMO. Just trying to help. I'm sure others feel as the same as me.



Even if we are not just pushing for straight up donations.


But push our admin and reserved slot a bit more too. :)

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yeah alot of ppl that are new been asking about reserves and admin i tell them to come to our forumns or just type ingame the message that shows. Buyadmin.


But I don't see any coming here to get it so, i been pushing it a little trying to talk them into it by like saying. Dude your a cool person we would love for you to join HG and you should donate maybe for admin or reserve slots.


Also they been asking about the skins. I tell them the truth of course about getting onto top20. But i say if you want it faster just donate for admin or reserve slots my friend. I been trying my best guys.

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Have you guys thought about merging a couple of the servers? Possibly getting rid of the dust2dm and adding a few slots to the 24/7 d2? Maybe do the same for the office server?


What about Merging the 2 deathmatches to make a 24/7 office/dust2 deathmatch server.


I saw van mention something about the TF2 servers eating up a lot of bandwidth, why not merge the hoodoo and goldrush and make it a 2 map rotation?


To be honest the bunnyhop server could be taken down easily, just add the maps to your private server and any time someone feels like practicing their bhopping just hop in the private when it isn't in use and go at it in there.


I'm not sure how much it's costing you guys to keep all of these servers up and running as well as they do, but I can only imagine that it's far from cheap. If people don't start donating then merging servers seems like the simplest way to keep everyone happy. All of the same things will be available as before and it'll save money.

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Well merging would be a good idea but you would have to at least increased the player count. As for the TF2 server frankly I don't understand why it would use the most bandwidth. As some wise person who I cannot remember their name said before you would have to take down a server with alot of players.


On an unrelated note who is deleting all of my posts? Until otherwise I am going to say its most likely Van.

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I kinda flaked this month on donating, and pulled the 'im bored so lets donate 1 dollar 17 times' thing. Next month I will be sure to donate my normal $50. Whatever money I save from my computer I will throw in to! I hate to see this community that does so much for me and brings so much fun to my gaming life struggle like this!

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Ok, servers we could drop if needed:


1) Customs - no1 plays that anymore

2) 1 of the bhop servers - most of our servers are in central anyway, having the Eastern one dropped wont do much - I'm Eastern and I don't lag on Central servers.

3) Sliderace - I dont't see anyone play that anymore - I played for alittle bit yesturday, and throught the day, I only saw 4 people on it - add a sliderace to minigames maybe?


There might be more, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


But, thats just if we need to because we don't get enough donations/payments for admin or reserverslots.



hold on a second guys, over at plaguefest we run a customs server too that is barely populated, why dont we just combine them? if you close down the customs your running i can add all the trusted admins to the admin for customs, save you guys some money, and build a better server. Of course i would have to run this by Ray but im just throwing this on the table.

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hold on a second guys, over at plaguefest we run a customs server too that is barely populated, why dont we just combine them? if you close down the customs your running i can add all the trusted admins to the admin for customs, save you guys some money, and build a better server. Of course i would have to run this by Ray but im just throwing this on the table.


Because ultimately it would lead to chaos. Two different type of Admins following two different types of rules. In addition what would it be labeled as? Plaquefest Custom Game Server? Having that on our server list would just be advertising your site basically for free. The idea is great it just could not be implemented effectively.

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Because ultimately it would lead to chaos. Two different type of Admins following two different types of rules. In addition what would it be labeled as? Plaquefest Custom Game Server? Having that on our server list would just be advertising your site basically for free. The idea is great it just could not be implemented effectively.


labeling wouldn't be too much of an issue since hellsgamers and plaguefest have worked together for quite some time, as for the rules, we have the game general rules: no hacking, no glitching, no racism, no ghosting. most of what you said would be easy to work out.

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Because ultimately it would lead to chaos. Two different type of Admins following two different types of rules. In addition what would it be labeled as? Plaquefest Custom Game Server? Having that on our server list would just be advertising your site basically for free. The idea is great it just could not be implemented effectively.


We already exchange oral pleasures with plaguefest, Church.


Edited by vandium
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