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Something suspicious...


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Something suspicious came in the mail today. The address was my homes, and had my moms name on it. We didn't order anything within 2 months with UPS. When we opened it up, there was a weird electronic in it. Im pretty sure it isn't a bomb. Ill post some pics of it so u guys can take a look. Im guessing its a motor of some kind. Anyone kind enough to give some ideas on what this is? Ill post it on photobucket so everyone can see the thinggy. http://s1150.photobucket.com/albums/o606/instantnoodles13/

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I completely understand your reasoning behind asking a CS:S gaming community if someone mailed you a bomb.


I miss you.


Lol. We just called the company again. They told us they were closed but from the Order ID number, it came directly from the company Whirlpool. What so it is probably a motor for some kind of appliance.


So says the bag. :P

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Guest The_Monkey
send it to me...i will make a bombombombombombombombombomb


...And now the Secret Service is monitoring this thread.



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Hold on to it. Maybe at some point in the future someone will be like, "Awww man, my evaporator fan motor for my whirlpool fridge is dead", and it will be your time to shine.


or it can blow up in your house.



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