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Boxer's thread

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okay im here to vent/say goodbye. im a regular player on the HG Jailbreak server and hold the #1 rank spot, been playing for a few weeks without much troubles till a few days ago a ton of admin abuse has been happening everyday. yesterday i was kicked/flamed and even banned from the TS3 server by different admins, i had some proof and one of the admins have been taken care of.


then not even 24 hours later this guy names wolfman comes into the jailbreak server talking mad shit to me calling me a schizophrenic down syndrome kid, and i say hes Deaf since i repeat my orders 3 times (and i did another 3 times) and he kicks me saying disrespect.


i refuse to constantly make abuse reports day after day when its not handled properly, the admins abuse their powers and are friends with the higher admins so i rarely see anything ever done...


good bye all of the friends ive made playing with on HG servers and hopefully one day these admins will be taken care of.

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I may not know you but I gotta admit that is really harsh for you. Why not do an Abuse Report? It would not only help you but may help any other victim that will soon feel like you.


But if you really wanna leave, then cya.


- Your situation touched me bro :P

I feel sorry for you

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I disagree with you. Unfortunately we can't be always on (especially jailbreak) to audit the admins.

However, I'm not sure why you think we're all in it for ourselves. I wish you could see the admins who actually work to take care of our servers (and not the ones that ruin it).


If you have an issue with someone in upper management, please pm me. In regards to wolfman, he shouldn't be kicking you for that reason.


I wish you good luck on finding a server you'll like. Alas, there is no perfect server out there and you'll hit this snag too.

Edited by enigma#
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I don't think you should let a few ppl fuck up your time on this server, ppl are gonna be dicks plain and simple best way to deal with it is to show a stoic resistance to their bullshit just so they are unable to get the satisfaction of seeing you upset. Leaving the community is just bitching out and not fighting for what you believe in.


In someways it sets a bad example for others in your situation. Although this is just the internet and it is not that serious heres a quote.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." or for the HG version "All that is necessary for the success of abusive admins is that no reports are filed."

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People telling him to make abuse reports apparently didn't read his post, he feels the abuse reports in hg do nothing because they are not handled properly, it's his opinion and if he feels that the community doesn't handle it's admins properly that's his opinion and he can go find another server that is run to his liking

I would say instead of leaving just ignore the bullshit, or play on the server at a time when the bullshiters arnt on so you won't have to deal with it:)

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BooT, in what way did he insult the ENTIRE clan? Also why not show him some respect, as hes considering to leave? Ive been in the same situation myself, boxer, so i know how you feel about this.. However "we" manged to find an solution in my problems, and i really wish the same could happen with you! I along with others, wants you to stay. And if you do decide to leave thats okay, as we cant force you to stay. Good luck, and have fun, mate!

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All stories can be told hundreds of different ways. By your perspective, the "admin abuse" may or may not have been warranted. However the truth behind it is based solely on what you or he might have done or said, something you cannot know because perspective clouds objectivity. Point is, we can't take your word for it that someone is abusive/disrespectful. That's what reports are for. Honestly, if someone is being SO DISRESPECTFUL to you that you have decided to abandon the server altogether, CHANCES ARE that if you REPORT that player with proper PROOF, he'll be dealt with and you can carry on. Options are simple:

1. Report the player early and never have to deal with his BS again. Our punishment system is time-proven to deal with that.

2. Suck it up for as long as you're in the server and do your best to not let it get to you. This is usually my choice since most in server problems are petty and stupid.

3. Leave wholesale. This is the least favorable of choices, but if you HONESTLY don't think anything else can be done (wrong in most cases by the way), then don't play there. I stopped playing jailbreak for a while for a few reasons, one of which being a few players who I was just sick of dealing with. If it's that bad, take a break. In the end we have the best jailbreak server around, and hopefully you'll come back to share it with us.


The world has douchebags. That's unchangeable. But a wise woman once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." If you let people treat you like shit, they will. Stand up for yourself through the procedures we have implemented to do so, or good luck dealing with it.


Good luck.

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1 | If he has been playing for a few weeks, he would know that Wolfman is the biggest troll that JB has. At least as far as I know. (No one could surpass Crewcabanger.)

2 | "the admins abuse their powers and are friends with the higher admins so i rarely see anything ever done..." He hasn't even been around long enough to know this isn't true.

3 | Faithless was a good admin back in the day but it should have been taken away when he stepped down. HOWEVER, he still deserves respect for what he has given to this community.

4 | I don't fucking care if you guys think I am being a dick. This kid has only come here to pick a fight with admins and staff, at least that's how I see it.

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Sounds like a personal problem then. You wont make reports, we cant help. You bitch, we cant act without proof. You cry and RQ, we dont care.


i do make reports, idk why you guys keep saying i dont report admins. i do and have seen no changes what so ever. the responses just prove that you guys dont care about anyone other than your selfs and abusing your admin powers.

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No matter the situation, no one should be disrespectful in other's choices ..it is THEIR choice ..let them make it!


BooT, I am disappointed to see the things you wrote. There is always a way to help someone ..no need to be a jerk about it in THEIR thread. Send them a PM instead.


Boxer, I'm sorry to see that you were having issues in our servers. As Engima, and others have said, if you feel like you are being wronged, then you need to report it.


Also, if you feel like it wasn't being handled properly, then get MORE proof for next time.


"You wont make reports, we cant help." as Linoleum Knive said. You need to help us (by providing the proof) in order for us to help you.


Whatever you deiced to do, I will respect ..sometimes people need a break from jailbreak.

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i like you boxer, sad to see you go bro, you're one of the people that really make jailbreak fun for others. While sometimes things aren't done about abusive admins, there are times when things are done, its just about how you present yourself, your case, and you have proof to back you up. You are a good and fun person, and other people in this thread who think otherwise obviously are biased because of other relationships. For the few admins that do abuse their powers and make playing shit, there are many more that really do a good job and keep things in balance. In regards to Wolfman he's the biggest dick that exists in jailbreak and abuses admin more than anyone else, and he has had many, many abuse reports against him. He's been warned/talked to, and other abuse reports just didn't make impact because of lack of proof. Hopefully one day someone finally gets a decent recording of him in jailbreak/teamspeak abusing, talking shit and harrasing players so he can get admin removed, or banned. Don't let him be the reason you stop playing. Just ignore him and demo, that's what i do.

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Your ban from TS and your claim that faithless was abusing were two separate issues. The chain of events happened the way it did because YOU mishandled the situation. You can't put all of that on us.


I've seen various admins (mostly unaffiliated with HG leadership, mind you) make poor decisions, and they were properly dealt with once their wrongdoings were brought to our attention. It's not fair to assume that leadership can be in every server and every channel on TS to moderate every minute of the day; you have to meet us halfway and use the proper channels.


Please, do let us know if you feel that you're being wronged within our community. We'd really like to fix the problem, but you can't fix something you don't know is broken.

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I don't think you should let a few ppl fuck up your time on this server, ppl are gonna be dicks plain and simple best way to deal with it is to show a stoic resistance to their bullshit just so they are unable to get the satisfaction of seeing you upset. Leaving the community is just bitching out and not fighting for what you believe in.


In someways it sets a bad example for others in your situation. Although this is just the internet and it is not that serious heres a quote.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." or for the HG version "All that is necessary for the success of abusive admins is that no reports are filed."


Better increase my font size, makes the post more relevant.

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Let's see, all these cases of "abuse" with different admins and you are the constant. Maybe they aren't the problem here?


That's not fair to assume. All three cases were linked together. It started with jailbreak, then the abuser in question (with others) brought the situation into TS3 against him, then another payed* admin (wolfman, a while later, who is good friends with the original abuser), showed up and started problems with boxer due to the abuse report that went down. Maybe you (and others) should get your facts straight before you jump to conclusions?

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my main problem is the people who actually make the server more fun to be apart of get shit on while the admin abusing assholes get praised... why? because they give you $15 a month? its complete bullshit. how am i supposed to get proof of someone abusing their powers when hes in the server for only 1 round flaming me, and others, then the next round im kicked? apparently im supposed to rejoin the server kissing his ass so i dont get abused? he did many different things while all i said was he was deaf. then i get slayed and kicked for being disrespectful, cant get proof of something that happens so fast, i cant tell the future. i dont know why you dont just ask the fucking admins who were there at the time, dont even trust your own admins or what?

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