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League of legends Skin/Character Giveaway!


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Ok so I am a couple beers in, and i got 10 dollars sitting in my lap ready to give away. So here's what you have to do, post your favorite league character and why, and that's all. There's no point to actually posting your reasoning besides my own entertainment, as the giveaway is COMPLETELY RANDOM. Ill just assign a number to each person that posts with a character and reasoning, then a RNG will decide who wins. So post away, winner gets CHOICE OF CHARACTER or CHOICE OF SKIN (non legendary) on the last weekend of this month!


PS. somone remind me on the last weekend of this month to actually give away the prize >.>

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  Richie said:
Shyvanna atm. She is a strong jungler, great solo top lane, and can counter jungle with no smite as solo top. She is a top tier pick in high elo games too. just look at tsm. then theoddone can't get udyr, he goes for shyv :D

>watching professional gamers

People these days.

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Cho gath because he is your favorite champion and goes nom nom.


Actually skarner is my favorite. His speed + tanky kit make him what i think to be the best late game jungler. His damage is consistent and his ult can keep a fed champ out of fights.

He is not the best in the jungle atm due to his blue buff dependency and his lack of ganks without flash but to me he is just fun. I would play him even if he was as bad as Voli

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Richie watches a few pro matches from IPL4, buys Shyvana and tries to main her.


Anyways, my favorite champion is Galio. He is a stupid strong mid and top because of his passive. If they run someone like Vlad, Rumble, or Swain top you can just smash their dick in. In mid it's the same thing, stack MR and win your lane.


As Galio you can look to push at any time and also go ahead and take wraith and other jungle camps very easily.


If I had to choose a second favorite champion it's probably Soraka. She requires a great amount of skill to sit in a bush and press W every 17 seconds.

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