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League of legends Skin/Character Giveaway!


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Dr. Mundo.




1. Mundo vs. Anyone. Anyone almost kills Mundo. Mundo ults and runs into a bush. Anyone says "Haha you better run noob!" Mundo kills Anyone.

2. He went from a trolling pick to overpowered.

3. If you jungle with Mundo. You hit level 3 before minions even hit the lanes.

4. Stacking Warmog's on him is stupid, but really fun.

5. "Mundo will go where he pleases."

6. Mundo lanes bot with Lulu. GG!

7. Mundo has the best voice of all the champions.

8. Mundo could be a competitive bodybuilder if he so 'pleased'. And is my purple Incredible Hulk.

9. Raid boss.

10. Only costs 1350 IP.


"Beware the Madman of Zaun. In his eyes, you are already dead."


I would absolutely love to get his Corporate Mundo skin. Hope I win.

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and the winner is, bran flakes =0. with a random number generator between 1-29, assigning each poster in order a number. the number that came up was 3. so congrats to my brother from another mother.


Conspiracy. I as his boyfriend will accept his reward for him. You can PM the code to me on the forums.

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