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Dealing with a difficult player: Advice?


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So I figured I'd get the community's general consensus on this. I've got a bit of a problem, but banning doesn't seem to be the right soloution.


I play and admin exclusively on the CS:S OfficeDM US server, and there is a fairly regular player named Battle Kitten. (sorry, I didn't think to grab his steam ID.)


The first problem is what I would call mic spamming. I don't know if he's a troll or if he genuinely has down syndrome, but he'll talk (and talk and talk...) down to everyone on open mic and generally pisses everyone off. I've often muted him, but this leads to another problem...


The second (and bigger) problem is the constant accusation slinging. He constantly accuses other people of hacking when they are very obviously not, and likes to wildly accuse me of blatant admin abuse for doing harmless things like removing porn sprays, slapping campers, and the above muting his mic. He even went so far to threaten "I'm recording and reporting this you bad admin! Have fun getting banned." to me before leaving the server. (not his exact words, I'm working from memory)


Almost everyone on the server dislikes playing with him, and I already brought HG|Archer in on the problem, but he never got back to me. Oh, and did I mention he has VIP status, and waves it around like a massive ego flag?


Simply put, I think it would be in everyone's best intrest to persuade him to play somewhere else, but banning him is obviously not the right action, and not for me to decide anyways.


Advice? Ideas? Comments? Help me out here, I'm really not sure how to handle this constant thorn in my side.


~Shino Puppy

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So I figured I'd get the community's general consensus on this. I've got a bit of a problem, but banning doesn't seem to be the right soloution.


I play and admin exclusively on the CS:S OfficeDM US server, and there is a fairly regular player named Battle Kitten. (sorry, I didn't think to grab his steam ID.)


The first problem is what I would call mic spamming. I don't know if he's a troll or if he genuinely has down syndrome, but he'll talk (and talk and talk...) down to everyone on open mic and generally pisses everyone off. I've often muted him, but this leads to another problem...


The second (and bigger) problem is the constant accusation slinging. He constantly accuses other people of hacking when they are very obviously not, and likes to wildly accuse me of blatant admin abuse for doing harmless things like removing porn sprays, slapping campers, and the above muting his mic. He even went so far to threaten "I'm recording and reporting this you bad admin! Have fun getting banned." to me before leaving the server. (not his exact words, I'm working from memory)


Almost everyone on the server dislikes playing with him, and I already brought HG|Archer in on the problem, but he never got back to me. Oh, and did I mention he has VIP status, and waves it around like a massive ego flag?


Simply put, I think it would be in everyone's best intrest to persuade him to play somewhere else, but banning him is obviously not the right action, and not for me to decide anyways.


Advice? Ideas? Comments? Help me out here, I'm really not sure how to handle this constant thorn in my side.


~Shino Puppy


1. With the "Battle Kitten" just mute him and leave it. If he disconnects and reconnects to avoid his mute ..ban him for 30 mins with reason (Avoiding mute"


2. With the people saying that this person hacks or that person hacks ..if it gets to a point of mic spam, see #1. If it gets to the point where it just just random "OMG" or "NO WAY ..HACKER" every time he dies ...mute him for a while. but again if he disconnects and reconnects to avoid his mute ..just mute him again and explain why he got muted.


3. I know it can get sort of annoying trying to "control" a server to the way YOU would like it ..but bottom line is ..you cannot please everyone. You bought admin for yourself ..not for the other people. You do with your admin as you wish (as long as it doesn't break ony of our admin Terms.


I hope this helped.

Edited by digitalshot
nice typo
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My only words of advice is to stop being nice and start being a prick. If you're going to admin, you're not always going to be nice. I've often times, when I've had admin, had to step up to the plate and be a full on dick to people to get them to stop. A ban might get the guy to cut his actions out. If not, an even longer ban might. If that doesn't work then he doesn't need to play on our servers. The ban hammer isn't always kind nor is it fun to be hit with it.

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My only words of advice is to stop being nice and start being a prick... If that doesn't work then he doesn't need to play on our servers. The ban hammer isn't always kind nor is it fun to be hit with it.


My worry is that I don't know if I really have either the grounds nor the authority to ban him for this. I don't wanna put my admin and my HG clan status in jeaporady if he causes a stink about it... and he seems exactly like the type to.

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I don't wanna put my admin and my HG clan status in jeaporady if he causes a stink about it... and he seems exactly like the type to.


So long as you have proof of his rule breaking, your ass is covered. Don't worry too much about it as long as you have the proof to back up your ban. If you're that concerned, make a ban request. Someone will handle it!

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If you mute him for spamming and he gets all worked up about it: 1. warn him. So for example "Don't disrespect me." or something. 2. If he keeps it up, give him the boot with the appropriate reason. and then 3. If he comes back and keeps running is mouth or what ever, ban him. Also during this whole thing you need to be as calm as possible and not shot any comments back at him that would provoke him. So no "Shut the fuck up nerd" or "Your a fa****" kind of stuff. Also, if he regular does this, start recording a demo when you start to take action. So that you can later make a report and have him banned for even longer than you are actually allowed. I hope this helps a little bit. If anything, go by jessicajoys post. Some good stuff there.

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In the heat of the moment, if you get REALLY mad and permanat ban the person and don't make a report on here, you want to be good friends with Jessicajoy and Reddevil to bail you out.


Never happen to me yet HAHAHAAHHAA


Jessicajoy likes chocolate covered rum

Reddevil likes everything

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In the heat of the moment, if you get REALLY mad and permanat ban the person and don't make a report on here, you want to be good friends with Jessicajoy and Reddevil to bail you out.


Never happen to me yet HAHAHAAHHAA


Jessicajoy likes chocolate covered rum

Reddevil likes everything


Good advice is good

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In the heat of the moment, if you get REALLY mad and permanat ban the person and don't make a report on here, you want to be good friends with Jessicajoy and Reddevil to bail you out.


Never happen to me yet HAHAHAAHHAA


Jessicajoy likes chocolate covered rum

Reddevil likes everything

haha but you give me proof and i make report thats all matters.

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My advice. Be professional all the time.Start by recording your demo before you do anything. Ask him to refrain from mic spamming. And that's what it is, true downs or not. Refer him to the rules about mic spam.

And btw There is NO no camping rule on office dm server's motd.. because there is no no camping rule on the office dm server so you need to stop trying to enforce that. ;)


Office dm motd.... https://hellsgamers.com/motds?name=officedm

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What zekk said,

stay call don't provoke, and I can't remember camping being "not allowed" on the dm servers :P

But yeah make sure you get proof, then follow the steps others already said :P

should work :)

and what I learned is, dont get too butthurt too easily :P

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Start recording a few clips of this. Record at least 4 minutes of these situations. Make sure you have his mic un-muted so the recording picks up his voice. If you lag when recording you might have to stand around and take it for the time being. After you record these videos upload them to youtube and start a collection.


You are the innocent admin and if he claims you are hacking you'll have videos proof/evidence of him casually calling people hackers, spamming his mic, and giving everyone a bad day.


Good luck.

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how the hell are you not a member yet? 1 year 1 month since join?


I've been playing / admin-ing on the HG OfficeDM server for ages, but never got around to actually applying to join the clan until recently.



...And thanks for the advice everyone. I think for now I'm simply gonna avoid the server when he's on to avoid drama, but if it does come up I'll keep your ideas in mind.



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