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What is Xenogamers? [xG]


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I've checked around the help forums to see what a proper area to post my question is, unfortunately most of those have to do with technical issues; But I have a blunt and simple question to ask so I'll just do it here.


What is Xenosgamers and why is there inter-community/external community conflict between HG and xG?


I ask this because I have seen multiple threads where user's have been banned simply for either being on xG's server's or xG members being banned for being on HG servers. I simply want to avoid any politics that could be caused from future drama due to player to player coordination with their members and administration.


I apologize if this is posted this in the wrong board.

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According to what I heard, its somewhat a community that once threatened an HG member. I think HG and xG have a bad history :P


Thank you for your response, but I was hoping someone could be a little more in depth with the situation seeing as it seems rather delicate.

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It is not something you need to worry about, we have leadership here for that.


I know, but this seems like an issue those of us in the regular player base and clan would have to worry about seeing as simply playing on their servers is ban worthy.

Now, don't get me wrong it is not my intentions of crossing or undermining those of you in the administration here but I feel that if I am interested in this community and I plan on extending my stay, why would I get banned for playing another community's servers.

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Anyone associated with them gets banned.


their leaders did some very nasty things to steal members.


the ban is triggered from their steam group. we dont spy on the servre and ban anyone who enters it.




noone here needs to justify themselves, im sorry if it hinders your playing

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