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Runoff Voting for JB Song Contest


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Don't the caws and songs have different categories?



EDIT: italk should win



Yes, they do. This is for the OVERALL winner. (Overall winner gets admin and laser letters for a month)


The over all winner will obviously be the winner in the respective category.

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Obviously all the BiT members are just jealous of aQ and they copy our perk all the time and they will never get as close to aQ. Honestly I think they will fall just like the simely gang did. aQ all day!!!

Edited by Magic
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Out of the five songs I submitted my worst one makes it "jailbreakhustle"I personally thought " a call to arms" and " ts to the bottom of stairs" were better. the other one !turkey Ham rap gets no author that it is me on the poll. BTW I expected an AQ song to win if it went down to open votes, as the AQ fanboys are many. When I get time im gonna hit the booth for a remix, to silence all the haters. "I am not new to this, I am true to this!" Ill shutem down for free.

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I am so confused here... isn't there a category for caw remix AND for best JB song? I thought you (BonBon) said their will be a winner of each category and those winners will both win free admin, lazer letters, etc....??


I wouldn't have just submitted my caw remix if this is not the case.. I would have done an original as well. 0_o



Vote for my Caw Caw Slide! :)

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