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Hello everyone,


I'm Darth Irule, AKA Sean, or Darth. Feel free to call me whatever you want, although most people call me either by Sean or Darth.



I am 18 years old and I come from the state of Connecticut.


From my Sophomore year to my Senior year in highschool I ended up getting 4 surgeries, and those surgeries (along with other personal problems) ended up making me drop out from school during my senior year.


Don't worry I am not throwing my life away. I am currently taking online classes and in September I will be going to night classes for my Math and English. And by December I should have a highschool diploma. I then can go to a 2 year school and then transfer into a 4 year.


My grammer sucks so please try to ignore any mistakes I make, I try my best to fix any mistakes I see but I can't always find them all. :P



I am a moderator on another site but I'm not here to advertise so I won't be telling you guys what site. Ive been on the internet since 2007 and started out with the game runescape. That was really the only computer game I played for a while, I had all my other games on consoles. Playstation 2 and then a Xbox 360. But then I got a laptop for christmas one year and I started to get into PC gaming. Now I didn't have a gaming laptop so I couldn't play many games but I stayed with the simple games like Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sim City, and The Sims. I ended up getting into WoW for a while and then started following other games on youtube. And then about a year ago I built a gaming PC. I know have almost $2000 worth of games on my steam account (crazy right?) and other games that are not on steam.


I play just about always on my PC now, my xbox just sits under my desk collecting dust. Still debating weather or not to sell it and all my games.


So yeah, if you want to add me on steam, or xbox. I also have skype and origin.


I am looking forward to making new friends here and to further develop my PC gaming life. (And also get good at CS:S XD)

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