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Staff/ Council


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Anyone who has been here a while knows that we have some of the hardest working volunteer staff around.


My question is... What is the most amount of time you have personally spent working on hg related projects without actually playing a game or taking a break.

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I would have to says it differs per group, TCs definitely have long, difficult, tedious projects that they are constantly working on while DC is geared more towards people handling. I'll help people as best as I can but if something is eating up an absurd amount of time, then they probably should have been banned to begin with.

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Anyone who has been here a while knows that we have some of the hardest working volunteer staff around.


My question is... What is the most amount of time you have personally spent working on hg related projects without actually playing a game or taking a break.


When I first started, I worked days upon days on keeping the servers clean of cheaters and other rule breakers - even harder than Reddevil. These days I am kind of in the background.

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