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False information


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Okay, I am getting some bad reputation on your false thread and ban from this post., i am not asking to be unbanned but am asking for you to remove this untrue information from the website, please.



"False Ban that is easly found by searching my steam id is messing up my esea gaming. if u want ill get this for you and somone here to talk to you, thanks."

Edited by bradly359
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I can understand you concern about steam history form us.


and im sure it can be reviewed again.


but whats that second part? a threat? i dont get it


This is clearly a job for GABE

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No i knew it was going to be considered a threat why i had second thoughts but i didn't want you guys to overlook me and say what another noob, I really need this gone... Its really messing up my reputation on ESEA and it will greatly help me, I can mention hellgamers and refer you guys to alot of people, "People help me I help them back" I just need some help from you guys to get rid of this false thread. Also, I can easly walk you through the demos. with every thought in mind.

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I simply asked you to removed false information from your site i dont care about being banned from the server.


And that is the great part about it, if it was false information you wouldn't have been banned from the server. Interesting how that works out, right? Fact of the matter is that no governing body, be it a nation, webhost, ESEA, or Steam, is going to require that we remove a ban from our site. I doubt you would even get a reply from most of them. Much like VAC our hacking bans are final, you receive no second chance, no get out of jail free card. Our reports are public as well as the demos for any gaming organization, like ESEA, to make their own decision as to if you were hacking or not.

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I don't want a second chance* I don't care about banned, just remove the false information.


I simply asked you to removed false information from your site i dont care about being banned from the server.


If you were banned from the server then I am pretty sure there was a justifiable amount of information which was proven true that eventually lead to you being ultimately being banned which was thoroughly investigated by an upper(s) and up to the discretion of the Leaders of this community seeing as this is their servers and this is their forum, they have the discretion to remove whatever they want for any reason they choose to. Since everything is solely up to the decision of The Leaders of this community there is no point in making threats. You put your self in this situation and are making it worse with this thread/embarrassing yourself even more not only to this community but to the ESEA community as well.

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I never made threats, I am going through with somthing i mentioned, I didn't threat you I was giving you facts, your embarassing your self having little kids demo people and put some words "Oh watch this part hes clearly walling" easy enuf to believe but when actually theres sound involved.


You obviously messing up peoples CS:S gaming status.

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