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To All: staff/council

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To all staff and council


if there was one thing you could change ignoring financial aspects what would you change?

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Make the requirements for veteran a lot more demanding, people are getting veteran like skittles nowadays since we've grown so much and it's diluted the meaning of the tag since we've let some pretty shitty people into the group.

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Make the requirements for veteran a lot more demanding, people are getting veteran like skittles nowadays since we've grown so much and it's diluted the meaning of the tag since we've let some pretty shitty people into the group.


I could say the same with advisor, manager, and leader but making everyone feel special is important.

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I could say the same with advisor, manager, and leader but making everyone feel special is important.


lmao and senior member isn't either :P


I don't know, the requirements for alot of ranks do depreciate because of the amount of people, so if we had a chance to change it. I would >.<

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Well, I wish soccer would release his chains around a few gmod stuff so the DL's could help out more. But it is fragile stuff so I understand. I like weemans vet rant, as I do think a lot of people are getting it willy-nilly. I wish I could code so I can help out Kigen with Gmod a lot more, because he is only 1 person and we cannot rush him. Cause that's mean. I wish we had more Gmod servers, but keeping them popular is kinda tough. I wish I had more time to play Gmod but work is pretty demanding. However, we are getting a new CSM so my hours will be lowered to the amount I wanted. I also wish people weren't so stupid in some of the actions they have done. People I wanted to see go far in this community have done stupid things. I wish pizza guy and I got married. I wish master wasn't mean to me. Granted I was a jerk to him too so I have no room to talk. I wish I wasn't left behind that one day. I wish LaMigra was DC. He sees things from all angles and have the most unbiased point of view. I wish people stopped bitching in 10mans. I wish PERP was a bit better in the car aspect. People tend to run people over, and we cannot watch every single person.


Idk did I do good dad?

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