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I know you guys implemented a system were you can get 3 rep a minute for being afk in jailbreak but why do you guys still leave the anti-afk system on? I wanna go out sometimes so i leave it on but when I get back ive been kicked after staying afk for about 30-45 minutes. Can you extend this especially since the server is empty most of time? I would understand if the server gets really full :/.


Also can you atleast make it that premium doesnt get kicked or something? I thought the anti-afk was disabled for premium too but i guess it isnt :(

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Anti AFK ONLY kicks you if the server is close to full. It will not kick you when there is only 30 players online. But if tehre's like 50, then it might. This will never be changed. The "2 rep per minute thing" is meant to get people to idle in off hours, like during the week, from like midnight to whenever the population starts picking up again.

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if and when i get high


If? O_O


and I can't speak on behalf of wether or not premium users are immune from anti afk, as I did not write the anti afk. Although, if the server is full, and there are players that actually want to play, I agree 10000% that spectators, no matter who they are, should be kicked in order to make way for the players. Because in the end real players > idlers.


If you really wanna idle, without being kicked, idle at off peak hours. say, 7 in the morning.

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