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Masteries Guide: 30 Points - What Do?


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With the new mastery pages (sort of new... been out for a while XD) people have been putting together a number of different combinations in their saved pages. These have been ranging from the 21-0-9 we saw on most ADs in season 1 to the 0-21-9 we saw on most tanks all the way to more unorthodox 9-11-9, 19-11-0, and 0-29-1 pages. I decided I would post a few of my own mastery pages that are good for a number of different champions as well as explain a few SPECIFIC masteries that I find to be "special."


Page 1 (19-11-0): AD Carry/Ranged Bruiser

(Nidalee, Kayle, Varus, Caitlyn, Vayne, Kogmaw, Pantheon, Gangplank)



What a lot of professional players have noticed is that with the new offensive tree, a lot of the later masteries aren't as helpful as some of the earlier ones. The BEST of the offensive masteries is easily "Sunder" which gives you 6 free armor pen, but Executioner (the last Offensive mastery) and Vampirism (the lifesteal mastery) aren't very strong on their own. On the other hand, the masteries Tough Skin and Indomitable (which is highlighted in the picture) have proven to be VERY VERY helpful for trades in lane. With both masteries on, you take 4 less damage from any minion attack. With a bit of armor, this means that melee creep will do 0 damage to you and ranged will only do ~4-6. This is HUGE for trading in lane especially with champs who are dependent on winning trades to dominate their lane such as Varus and Kogmaw at bot or Nidalee and Pantheon at top. Consider running this page over 21-9-0 or 21-0-9 for these champs listed along with any other aggressive AD champions.


Page 2 (0-21-9): Jungling Tanks/Speed Demons

(Singed, Malphite, Amumu, Chogath, Twisted Fate, Brand, Anivia, Leona)



Another interesting result of the new masteries is an emphasis on movement speed. We now see champions who used to be known for immobility (Chogath, Alistar, Blitzcrank) coming out the gate with 390-400 movement speed level 1 with just boots of speed. With movement speed quintessences, these two new movement speed masteries - Initiator in Defense (highlighted) and Swiftness in Utility - have proven to be VERY VERY useful for champions who thrive simply on movement speed (*coughponychampcough*). Champions like Singed, Amumu, and Chogath who are DEPENDENT on being up close and personal with enemies thrive on this page. Also, AP carries who have a lot of damage already in their skills have found MS quints + masteries to be INCREDIBLE with their skillset. Brand with his Ablaze damage and Twisted Fate with his high base damage Wild Cards have THRIVED on having little more than movement speed in their kits. Also, supports like Leona and Blitzcrank have found movement speed in lane to be amazing for setting up hooks and CC to help their AD carry. Consider these pages for any champ who requires (1) tankiness to win lane, (2) speed to gank from the jungle, or (3) movement to keep up with enemies and CC them down.


Page 3 (9-0-21): Spell Vamp CDR or RYZE RYZE MANA MANA RYZE!

(Ryze, Vladimir, Mordekaiser, Kennen, Rumble, Akali, Katarina)

Manaless Spell Vampers:


Ryze Mana Vamp:



The final quirky change that Season 2 masteries have brought about is an emphasis on spell vamp. Spell vamp quintessences and the permanence of Hextech Revolver/Will of the Ancients has made these Tanky APs new metagolems at Top solo and Mid. Part of the reason is the new Transmutation mastery in the Utility tree. I underestimated it at first, but with 6% more vamp from quintessences, you can have 9% spell vamp at level 1. That's a HEFTY amount of sustain for champions with strong AOE/spam abilities like Kennen, Morde, and Ryze. This page gives you a number of GREAT stats including 9% spell vamp (with the quints), 10% CDR at level 1, 10% spell pen at level 1, and the most broken of ALL season 2 masteries, Mastermind which provides 15% CDR on your summoner spells. For a 3 minute summoner spell, that's Almost a full 30 seconds sooner your summoner will be up vs your opponent. This page provides HUGE advantages in lane for champions who don't really need early AP to do well.


I will be looking at other pages later and will update this when it comes around. For now though good luck testing out these three "unorthodox" pages. Now I go watch Community! #SixSeasonsAndAMovie

Edited by LazaHorse
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i like running a 9-0-21 on yorick personally for extra mana and CDR. thoughts?


9-21-0 is stronger for Yorick. He gets bursted down early-mid game, but unless that happens will almost always win his top lane. Running defensive runes and masteries plays to this and makes his early game laning much easier and thus his farm/harass much more impactful.

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